up to 900 is third harmonic and up to 1.5 gig us fifth ... v1 only have one clock up to 300mhz
so grab a V2
Dg9bfc sigi
Am 01.12.2024 09:21 schrieb "Willi, DK6DT" <foeckeler@...>:
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Hello Francois,
I agree with you. The requirements for the usable frequency range are of
course a primary selection criterion.
As far as I know, this device supports up to 1.5 GHz and is a HW revision
of the NanoVA-H4, which already has an externally accessible SD card slot.
It is inexpensive and judging by the discussions in this forum, the
community support for the H4 is very good, not least because of the
comparatively large number of firmware updates.
Best Regards
Willi, DK6DT