It was decided when this group was formed (not by me) that posts would be limited to plain text and not include HTML. However, it so happens that I agree with that decision and don't intend to change it unless someone can provide a compelling reason for me to do so.
This is a forum, not a blog.
I am going to terminate this thread. Further discussion between members and myself and/or both current co-owners is welcomed, however, it needs to be either by private email to me (kc0wjn at gmail dot com) or the group owners GIO email address
Furthermore, I'm not sure who you meant to reference by Daddy WARBUCKS, but comments such as the one included in the post below are not welcomed and will cause the author to be moderated.
DaveD, co-owner
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On 12/2/2024 11:20 AM, Larry Macionski via groups.io wrote:
AS an owner of other groups.io blogs... groups.io offers a plain text, minimalistic blog without HTML at no cost to the group. It has limitations regarding file storage etc.
But for obscure blogs like "Gramma's baby sock knitting group" . That is fine. or a small ham club like w0vfw.groups.io.
Now if you buy the blog-group and pay I think an annual fee. You get HTML editor increased file storage etc.. You either self fund it, or beg for donations. I am unaware if you go "big" to begin with you can revert to the free limited version, should donations not make the subscription fee...
So, it's obvious Daddy WARBUCKS is not a ham nor does he own a NanoVNA...
Merry Christmas, Paisan - Mia madre è italiana al 100%
Larry W8LM.
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