Hi! I sent a post showing how to measure resonance and self resonance and I calculated all parameters of a resonant circuit using almost any VNA. The self resonance is the parallel resonance when you connect a series LC to VNA port. The resonance conditions becomes when the imaginary part of S11 becomes zero at a determined frequency… in the attached picture there are both the serial resonance frequency on marker 1 and parallel on marker 2. Parallel resonance result of parallel connection between L and Cp with is the parasitic capacitance , this is the self resonance frequency. The method is absolutely sensitive to calibration I recommend very good standards.
I don´t know about your application but self resonance are very unstable depending on dielectric properties of the form ( many times varies with temperature and moisture) and changes every time. The best is to have this resonance frequency very far from working frequency using a very well known capacitor.
If you need to know the self resonance to have the value of Cp parasitic capacitance its a very good method but there are other methods that gives it value at the work frequency. Cp frequency dependent. I showed a method to do it on other post , this is derived from a procedure with Q-meter.
If you need more details just let me know more about your interest.
Ing. Patricio A. Greco
Laboratorio de Calibración ISO 17025 AREA: RF/MW
Gral. Martín Rodríguez 2159
San Miguel (1663)
Buenos Aires
T: +5411-4455-2557
F: +5411-4032-0072
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On 10 Dec 2024, at 15:09, jskinner58 via groups.io <jskinner58@...> wrote:
Have watched several videos on this and they all seem to leave out most of the setup. Looking to measure inductance but most interested in self resonance frequency. Resonance will be about 2 MHz I am guessing. Have it across Port1/S11 as seen in the videos but don't have display of anything like in the videos. I have looked at the Absolute Beginners Guide but doesn't cover this.