I don’t think the NanoVNA is the way to do this. Not only is the “bottom” end of the synthesized source a bit high, but the whole “what’s the step size of the PLL” thing might bite you.
I’d look for a cheap USB controlled audio frequency source and a USB AC voltmeter, and then write a small amount of software to sweep the frequency and record the voltages. Almost any digital multi meter would work. As would almost any USB oscilloscope.
It’s kind of more of a pain, but you could probably use a USB audio interface and playback sine waves of varying frequencies, and record the responses. Calibration is trickier too.
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On Dec 13, 2024, at 04:18, Ken Morrow via groups.io <ken.morrow586@...> wrote:
I have a question about measuring filters below the low end of any Nanovna.
Is it possible to extrapolate both S21 and S11 down to DC on the Nanovna? I am looking for a way to measure some low pass filters I built from 0 to ~20KHz (audio range) without costing a ton of money. I do not have access to a Frequency Response Analyzer. Any thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Thank you,
Ken M.