Once you learn one VNA, no matter whose or which one, you will be able to
use them all. The basics of the instrument aren't that different from the
NANOVNA to the very expensive professional units. It doesn't matter which
variation you have on the theme. Once you've conquered the knowledge on
how to use one, it's transferable to all of the VNAs. Just like learning
how to properly use a DMM, once you learn how to use it, you can get along
using about any DMM. Of course the NANOVNA or any VNA for that matter is
FAR more complex than a DMM.
If there were a technician "step-by-step" detailed guide, you'd never
arrive at the knowledge of using the VNA. That goes for about everything
in life. If we were given a "step-by-step" detailed guide addressing how
to navigate life, we wouldn't exist as a living, breathing, reasoning,
thinking, biological human being.
I realize this isn't the new way of "learning", but it works. Learning
step-by-step procedures does not truly instill a skill, knowledge, or an
understanding on how to properly execute a task. Good old fashioned
buckling down and learning still works well.
I realize there are those in the group who will take this message as
griping, and hostile to the new philosophies. So be it. I do NOT mean it
that way, but just relating what 78 years of life WITHOUT a step-by-step
set of detailed directions has taught me.
Dave - WØLEV
Dave - WØLEV
Dave - WØLEV
On Mon, Dec 23, 2024 at 2:18 AM Retroradio via groups.io <rockabillyguy13=
yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
What confused me is I have found guides/videos but they are VNA-whatever
version it is. Mine is an “H” model and wondered if it had a specific guide
or are they all generic and all guides apply?
*Dave - WØLEV*
Dave - WØLEV