On 29/12/2024 06:44, aeternus.arcis via groups.io wrote:
I just wanted to ask if there is any interest from the community or the developers to make the menu easy for radio amateurs, for people that are not engineers? Currently the menu is a big mess with a lot of options and sub-options and so on. So if you want to make a simple measure, you have to go in many menus to change many settings. I know this gives a lot of control, but I will be very nice to have a few buttons on the main screen, like a main menu, that take you to the most used measurements, with all of the settings already set, with bigger font and a few buttons to change some settings only to that current measurement. I also do not know if this is something that the hardware supports.
I take your point, but I feel that for many purposes start and stop frequencies
are all you need to change, perhaps followed by a calibration. I guess the TDR
measurements (find a cable length or a fault) are a little more complex.
What sorts of top-level options would you like to see? What settings to change?
As many of the devices use a similar menu structure it would be a lot of work to
change, and it might make support more difficult!
There are some excellent resources - including books and videos - out there
which may answer your questions:
https://nanovna.com/?page_id=87https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/files/Absolute%20Beginner%20Guide%20to%20The%20NanoVNA/Absolute_Beginner_Guide_NanoVNA_v1_6.pdf https://www.rsgbshop.org/acatalog/NanoVNAs-Explained-2110.htmlCheers,
SatSignal Software - Quality software for you
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