Re: How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading #learning


I had a hard time determining if the Demo RF Kit was the same as offered by Amazon and other vendors. I think the person who initiated the Post should have first taken a picture of the RF Demo Kit to show the uninitiated first what is being discussed, then go into the how, why ETC. now that I understand what is being talked about I am very interested.
I just received my nanoVNA -F v2 and I expect delivery of the RF Demo Kit on Monday Dec 30
To me this is an obvious place to start. I am not interest in going out side at -20 C to attach my antenna just to begin learning how to use the nanoVNA device.
Thanks to PDXer for posting the picture of the "Frequency Test Board RF Demo Kit VNA RF Test Module Vector Network Analyzer Breadboard Test Protoboard Board"

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