It has long been established that R&L electronics is one of the most
reputable sources of the NanoVNA, if not THE most reputable source. This
link brings up a search on all the variants of the NanoVNA that they have
available -- and at the lowest prices I have seen, IMHO: Rich WB2GXM
On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 11:56 AM VE6LX via <dclarke2=> wrote:
there seems to be a debate as to where or how to purchase a nanoVNA. They
are all made in various factories in Mainland China. the issue is not so
much (in my mind) if it is a clone as in reality they are al a clone of the
original open source work. It is more of finding and dealing with a
reputable source. or use another intermediary such as Amazon where if there
is a problem you can return the item to Amazon. this a all beside
attempting as a new comer to the technology choosing which of the multiple
firmware versions supported or not supported software versions. This is on
the site they list the vendors they deal with the supply a
known product,
Those of us who have worked with the Lab Grade Network Analyzers will be
amazed with the actual performance of a similar device we can now hold in
our hands that for instance we can use to test our antennas. The lab grade
device does not lend itself to working in the field (I actually had one
equipped in a purpose built field work case) While the Lab Grade is a
wonderful piece of kit you cannot beat the fact you can now hold in you
hand a device you can use while at the top of a tower attached directly to
the antenna in question.
As long as you obtain one that works and you become accustomed to the
controls and learn the techniques of using the device you will be very
pleased with have the convenience of delving into the mystery of wonderful
world of antennas and how to improve them beyond the simple SWR at the
desired operating frequency. I hope that helps. Dave VE6LX