Липкий CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO transfer process has finished


Groups.io has notified me that the transfer process has completed.

It looks like the messages, files, and photos all made it OK.

Initially 7411 subscribers were being sent notifications that they were being subscribed to the new group.

As expected, some people do not wish to continue being part of the group and declined to be subscribed. This is normal because many people joined on a whim and have moved on to other things but had not previously bothered to unsubscribe.

Hopefully this group will continue to thrive.


Thanks for all the work you did on this, Steve!


From: CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO@groups.io <CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO@groups.io> On Behalf Of Steve Stallings
Sent: Friday, November 8, 2019 11:41 AM
To: CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO@groups.io
Subject: [CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO] CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO transfer process has finished


Groups.io has notified me that the transfer process has completed.

It looks like the messages, files, and photos all made it OK.

Initially 7411 subscribers were being sent notifications that they were being subscribed to the new group.

As expected, some people do not wish to continue being part of the group and declined to be subscribed. This is normal because many people joined on a whim and have moved on to other things but had not previously bothered to unsubscribe.

Hopefully this group will continue to thrive.


Thanks Steve

Your effort is appreciated


Regards Des


From: CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO@groups.io <CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO@groups.io> On Behalf Of Steve Stallings
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2019 02:41
To: CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO@groups.io
Subject: [CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO] CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO transfer process has finished


Groups.io has notified me that the transfer process has completed.

It looks like the messages, files, and photos all made it OK.

Initially 7411 subscribers were being sent notifications that they were being subscribed to the new group.

As expected, some people do not wish to continue being part of the group and declined to be subscribed. This is normal because many people joined on a whim and have moved on to other things but had not previously bothered to unsubscribe.

Hopefully this group will continue to thrive.


On 11/08/2019 10:40 AM, Steve Stallings wrote:

Initially 7411 subscribers
WOW, much bigger than I thought!

Glad it all got done before Yahoo shut down.
