Arbitrary behavioral sources in spicecad3


I used a B source to make an inverter gate.
.subckt inv 1 2
b1 3 0 v=!(v(1))
r1 3 2 100
c1 2 0 10P
.ends inv
vin 10 0 pulse 0 10 1m 1n 1n 2m 4m
x1 10 20 inv ic=0
r1 20 0 1meg
.tran 100u 10m 0m 100u

The behavior of the circuit seems to be ok but I got in the "spice
error log" the following message:

Circuit: sim

Error: unknown token in: "[!](v(1))"Date: Sun Oct 13 22:16:06 2002
Total elapsed time: 0.050 seconds.

tnom = 27
temp = 27
method = modified trap
totiter = 792
traniter = 789
equations = 6
tranpoints = 383
accept = 357
rejected = 26
trancuriters = 0

I have no idea about this error, someone can give me an help?



[...]Error: unknown token in: "[!](v(1))"[...]
I have no idea about this error, someone can
give me an help?
It's a spurious error message, and I've implemented
the fix in the source code for the next maintenance
release. In the meanwhile, you can either ignore
the message or or rewrite

b1 3 0 v=!(v(1))


b1 3 0 v=inv(v(1))


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Thank you very much!

Stefano Delfiore

--- Panama Mike <panamatex@...> wrote:

[...]Error: unknown token in: "[!](v(1))"[...]
I have no idea about this error, someone can
give me an help?
It's a spurious error message, and I've implemented
the fix in the source code for the next maintenance
release. In the meanwhile, you can either ignore
the message or or rewrite

b1 3 0 v=!(v(1))


b1 3 0 v=inv(v(1))


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