Converting PSpice MOSFET models


I've only been using LTSpice for a couple of weeks and have finally
gotten stuck. I'm trying to import some additional MOSFET models
(for example, )
and am at a loss on how to do it.

I've waded through the online manuals and googled forever. I tried
just copying values from the PSpice model into the standard.mos file
but it's not clear what to copy.

For example, in standard.mos the first parameter is "Rg". The manual
states that "Rg" is "Gate ohmic resistance". But in the PSpice model
the only line with Rg is "RG 2 7 10.013". Now since every other line
in the standard.mos file has Rg=3 I'm totally confused on how to

Can anyone provide any hints of guidance on how to import these?



--- In LTspice@..., "ravton <ravton@y...>" <ravton@y...>
I've only been using LTSpice for a couple of weeks and have finally
gotten stuck. I'm trying to import some additional MOSFET models
(for example, )
and am at a loss on how to do it.

I've waded through the online manuals and googled forever. I tried
just copying values from the PSpice model into the standard.mos
but it's not clear what to copy.

For example, in standard.mos the first parameter is "Rg". The
states that "Rg" is "Gate ohmic resistance". But in the PSpice
the only line with Rg is "RG 2 7 10.013". Now since every other
in the standard.mos file has Rg=3 I'm totally confused on how to

Can anyone provide any hints of guidance on how to import these?
Hello ravton,
the provided model is a subcircuit. You can make a symbol like you
would do it for a specific opamp.
Another option is to use a more generalized symbol like my x-models.
I have uploaded these x-models this evening to this group's
files/library menues. There is also a help file there.
Anyway I will send you an example with your model directly.
If you still have problems with it, let me know.

Best Regards

Dale <>

Quick Hints (Check this post carefully; NOT GUARANTEED ERROR FREE):
(Wife is waiting in parking lot to tell me her NEXT husband will
always leave work on time . . . )

The On Semi file is a SUBCIRCUIT model (of a MOSFET, plus some
corrections for its non-idealness as well as package parasitics, etc)
while the "STANDARD.MOS" file is a database of parameters for MOS
DEVICE models. It's certainly confusing and perhaps unfortunate that
MOSFETS (in particular) are commonly modeled by both methods, but
that's how it is. What REALLY tripped you up is when the subcircuit
model builder chose to call a resistor "Rg" which is the same name as
a parameter in the MOS device model. (He should have stuck with
something like "R101" and let us guess what it's role is.)

You probably want to copy the On Semi file to the " .&#92;LIB&#92;SUB&#92;"
directory and call it something like "ntmd6p02r2.sub". (If you have
a bunch of these files, you might creat a sub-directory
called ".&#92;LIB&#92;SUB&#92;ON_SEMI&#92;" to hold them; or concatenate them into a
largeer file called "ON_SEMI_MOSFET.LIB")

Next make a symbol file that references this model, perhaps
called ".&#92;lib&#92;sym&#92;PowerMOS&#92;ntmd6p02r2.asy". Do this with the symbol
editor in LTSpice, or copy the following:

Version 3
SymbolType CELL
LINE Normal 12 12 12 24
LINE Normal 4 20 12 20
LINE Normal 4 12 6 12
LINE Normal 12 12 6 11
LINE Normal 12 12 6 13
LINE Normal 6 11 6 13
LINE Normal 4 2 4 6
LINE Normal 4 10 4 14
LINE Normal 4 18 4 22
LINE Normal 0 20 2 20
LINE Normal 2 4 2 20
LINE Normal 12 4 4 4
LINE Normal 12 0 12 4
WINDOW 0 14 8 Left 0
WINDOW 3 14 18 Left 0
SYMATTR SpiceLine *
SYMATTR SpiceLine2 *
SYMATTR Description P-MOSFET 20V, 6A
PIN 0 20 NONE 0
PINATTR SpiceOrder 2
PIN 12 0 NONE 0
PINATTR SpiceOrder 1
PIN 12 24 NONE 0
PINATTR SpiceOrder 3

Close and re-start LTSpice. You should be able to find the symbol
you just created in the component selection menu, and it should point
to your subcircuit model file when you simulate.

(You can probably figure out most of this by poking around in the
LTSpice "HELP" files for a while, but it's not explained very
clearly. Note that both the model file and the symbol file are
straight ASCII and can be attacked with your favorite text editor,
but you'll have to re-start LTSpice to pick up the changes so you
might as well use the LTSpice editor.

The newsgroups at <
8&oe=UTF-8&group=sci.electronics.cad> and
8&> are good sources of info on LTSpice:
Mike Englehardt (author of LTSpice) checks them regularly. Search
them with "LTSpice" as a keyword & you'll probably find a discussion
on this very question!)


--- In LTspice@..., "ravton <ravton@y...>" <ravton@y...>
I've only been using LTSpice for a couple of weeks and have finally
gotten stuck. I'm trying to import some additional MOSFET models
(for example, )
and am at a loss on how to do it.

I've waded through the online manuals and googled forever. I tried
just copying values from the PSpice model into the standard.mos
file but it's not clear what to copy.

For example, in standard.mos the first parameter is "Rg". The
manual states that "Rg" is "Gate ohmic resistance". But in the
PSPice model the only line with Rg is "RG 2 7 10.013". Now since
every other line in the standard.mos file has Rg=3 I'm totally
confused on how to proceed.

Can anyone provide any hints of guidance on how to import these?



The line


should read

"SYMATTR Prefix X"

in order for the symbol to be used with a subcircuit
definition. See Helmult's notes on the subject.


--- "Dale <dchishol@...>"
<dchishol@...> wrote:
Quick Hints (Check this post carefully; NOT
(Wife is waiting in parking lot to tell me her NEXT
husband will
always leave work on time . . . )

The On Semi file is a SUBCIRCUIT model (of a MOSFET,
plus some
corrections for its non-idealness as well as package
parasitics, etc)
while the "STANDARD.MOS" file is a database of
parameters for MOS
DEVICE models. It's certainly confusing and perhaps
unfortunate that
MOSFETS (in particular) are commonly modeled by both
methods, but
that's how it is. What REALLY tripped you up is
when the subcircuit
model builder chose to call a resistor "Rg" which is
the same name as
a parameter in the MOS device model. (He should
have stuck with
something like "R101" and let us guess what it's
role is.)

You probably want to copy the On Semi file to the "
directory and call it something like
"ntmd6p02r2.sub". (If you have
a bunch of these files, you might creat a
called ".&#92;LIB&#92;SUB&#92;ON_SEMI&#92;" to hold them; or
concatenate them into a
largeer file called "ON_SEMI_MOSFET.LIB")

Next make a symbol file that references this model,
called ".&#92;lib&#92;sym&#92;PowerMOS&#92;ntmd6p02r2.asy". Do this
with the symbol
editor in LTSpice, or copy the following:

Version 3
SymbolType CELL
LINE Normal 12 12 12 24
LINE Normal 4 20 12 20
LINE Normal 4 12 6 12
LINE Normal 12 12 6 11
LINE Normal 12 12 6 13
LINE Normal 6 11 6 13
LINE Normal 4 2 4 6
LINE Normal 4 10 4 14
LINE Normal 4 18 4 22
LINE Normal 0 20 2 20
LINE Normal 2 4 2 20
LINE Normal 12 4 4 4
LINE Normal 12 0 12 4
WINDOW 0 14 8 Left 0
WINDOW 3 14 18 Left 0
SYMATTR SpiceLine *
SYMATTR SpiceLine2 *
SYMATTR Description P-MOSFET 20V, 6A
PIN 0 20 NONE 0
PINATTR SpiceOrder 2
PIN 12 0 NONE 0
PINATTR SpiceOrder 1
PIN 12 24 NONE 0
PINATTR SpiceOrder 3

Close and re-start LTSpice. You should be able to
find the symbol
you just created in the component selection menu,
and it should point
to your subcircuit model file when you simulate.

(You can probably figure out most of this by poking
around in the
LTSpice "HELP" files for a while, but it's not
explained very
clearly. Note that both the model file and the
symbol file are
straight ASCII and can be attacked with your
favorite text editor,
but you'll have to re-start LTSpice to pick up the
changes so you
might as well use the LTSpice editor.

The newsgroups at
8&oe=UTF-8&group=sci.electronics.cad> and
8&> are good sources of
info on LTSpice:
Mike Englehardt (author of LTSpice) checks them
regularly. Search
them with "LTSpice" as a keyword & you'll probably
find a discussion
on this very question!)


--- In LTspice@..., "ravton
<ravton@y...>" <ravton@y...>
I've only been using LTSpice for a couple of weeks
and have finally
gotten stuck. I'm trying to import some
additional MOSFET models
(for example,
and am at a loss on how to do it.

I've waded through the online manuals and googled
forever. I tried
just copying values from the PSpice model into the
file but it's not clear what to copy.

For example, in standard.mos the first parameter
is "Rg". The
manual states that "Rg" is "Gate ohmic
resistance". But in the
PSPice model the only line with Rg is "RG 2 7
10.013". Now since
every other line in the standard.mos file has Rg=3
I'm totally
confused on how to proceed.

Can anyone provide any hints of guidance on how to
import these?


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