
Ralph Wallace

Pardon my ignorance as I am a Ham running small spice circuits, but I cant find any documentation on what the dot command, .backanno, means. I would appreciate a pointer to the documentation for this command.



Pardon my ignorance as I am a Ham running small
spice circuits, but I
cant find any documentation on what the dot
command, .backanno, means.
I would appreciate a pointer to the documentation
for this command.
.backanno directs LTspice to embed port information
in the .raw file so that the waveform viewer can
refer to subcircuit port currents by pin name. The
command is placed in every netlist generated by the
netlister. It lets you plot a pin current by
pointing at the symbol's pin. You can ignore that
fact it's in the netlist. It has no meaning to
other spice programs.


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