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I experienced the following problem using a lossy transmission line. Even though the simulation (.op) can proceed, a non fatal error is occuring all the time: Unknown parameter "td". As I read in the online help Td is not a parameter of a lossy transmission line. So I wonder wy this problem is occuring.
Also, I haven't f find in the help a clear procedure explaining where to insert the value of the parameters of a complex model like a transmission line. After a few try, I have created a spice directive like the folowing : " model neg_terre_1 LTRA(R=9.6µ G=122µ L=0 C=0 len=10000) " and it worked. Finnally, I want to extract the numbers appearing at the end of the .raw file. Can you tell me the format of this string? Thanking you in advance for your reply Michel Allaire ing. SSTM Société de Transport de Montréal Soutien opérationnel Courriel : michel.allaire@... Téléphone : (514) 280-6335 Télécopie : (514) 280-5677 Tél. privé : 6301 |
I experienced the following problem using a lossyI think this as a problem in the definition of the lossy T-line symbol. Try updating to 2.00c and possibly redrafting the schematic. Also, I haven't f find in the help a clear procedureCongratuations. Yes, this is an aspect of the help documentation that still needs improvement. Finnally, I want to extract the numbers appearing atHelmut Sennewald wrote a utility to extract this data. I think a released version is availible in this group's files. Best Regards, --Mike __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. |
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