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Running TI Models in LTSpice
You can run them if they're defined with, e.g.,
PSpice subcircuits. Latter versions of LTspice comes with documenation about making symbols for 3rd party devices. --Mike --- "polapart <sahawley@...>" <sahawley@...> wrote: Is there a simple way to convert TI models to run in __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. |
--- In LTspice@..., "polapart <sahawley@m...>"
<sahawley@m...> wrote: Is there a simple way to convert TI models to run in LTSpice?Hello, there are two chances for your opamp models. The first one is creating a symbol for every opamp type you want to use. I think this is described in the LTSpice help pages. The other chance is to make one general symbol. Then you have to change only the value of the symbol in the schematic. See my older posting in this group: Re: Converting PSpice MOSFET models I recommend to upgrade to the latest LTSpice, version 2.00k at this writing. It's easier to make symbols/models with the new 2.x release. Best Regards Helmut |
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