Why is the STEP- command no more possible?



After a re-install of my system, I downloaded the newest edition of LTSpice. Now I tried out to simulate a simple circuit, and I discovered that whatever it is, my circuit works well, but with the STEP command I get the error :

Multiple instances of "Cjo=1.0760e-12".

What could this possibly be? What could I do to solve the problem?
Here my short circuit:



R1 2 0 1K
R2 3 0 {var}


C1 1 2 1u
Cubk 1 3 2u

*Strom- und Spannungsquellen

Vsin 1 0 SIN(0 5 200)

.PARAM var=1K

** Analysis setup **
.STEP LIN PARAM var 1 10K 1K <<<< This Line gives the error!
.tran 50us 50m



Bernhard Krämer
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--- In LTspice@..., <Bernhard_Kraemer@w...> wrote:

After a re-install of my system, I downloaded the newest edition of
LTSpice. Now I tried out to simulate a simple circuit, and I
discovered that whatever it is, my circuit works well, but with the >
STEP command I get the error :

Multiple instances of "Cjo=1.0760e-12".
Hello Bernhard,

Cjo is normally a parameter of a semiconductor device. It seems
you have any such device in your circuit, but your posted netlist
doesn't show it.

What could this possibly be? What could I do to solve the problem?
Here my short circuit:



R1 2 0 1K
R2 3 0 {var}


C1 1 2 1u
Cubk 1 3 2u

*Strom- und Spannungsquellen

Vsin 1 0 SIN(0 5 200)

.PARAM var=1K

** Analysis setup **
.STEP LIN PARAM var 1 10K 1K <<<< This Line gives the error!
.tran 50us 50m


I have tried your circuit with with LTSpice version 2.00k
and it has been simulated without any error. Firstly I used the
schematic editor to enter the circuit. Then I tried your text version
also sucessfully.
When I look to my netlists they are eactly the same like yours.

Which version of LTSpice are you using?
Please try the latest 2.00k.
If you really use already 2.00k, then feel free to send me your
original .asc file and/or your netlist file for further investigation.

Best Regards




R1 2 0 1K
R2 3 0 {var}


C1 1 2 1u
Cubk 1 3 2u

*Strom- und Spannungsquellen

Vsin 1 0 SIN(0 5 200)

.PARAM var=1K

** Analysis setup **
.STEP LIN PARAM var 1 10K 1K
.tran 50u 50m


From schematic version:

R1 2 0 1k
R2 3 0 {var}
Cubk 1 3 2µ
C1 1 2 1µ
Vsin 1 0 SINE(0 5 200)
.PARAM var=1K
.STEP LIN PARAM var 1 10K 1K
.tran 50us 50m