Flaxseed in the eyes

Miz Judy & Mel

Now going on one week I have used the flax oil in my
left eye as it has same problem that Cliff wrote
about, it has caused no problems and I do have better
night vision, but I think a month is needed ...I'll
being seeing the eye Dr on the 25th , and I'll know
Michael ( anxious to hear what it will be doing over the months use. I know I'm getting back to using it in our eyes. we here are in office work all day long so the eyes do get strained.And I can't wait for my next eye-examine, because my vision hasn't gotten worse in years.Now I believe the flaxseed oil is going to keep it this way. I'm wondering though how often this should be continued in use. Maybe once a day for life, or so much per week.Anybody want to guess, since this is such a new thing to us.
And Cliff, and all of us need to keep a journal on these findings as we all learn, while using the oil for the eyes, and other reasons for diseases ( cancer ), and don't procrastinate!!