How Many drops

cliff- I have been trying for a hour to bring up Part 1 and part 2 of  your testimony and can not find it. Can you help, please. I have a cancer patient who would like to read it. I'm not to smart with the computer but this has got me stumped. I've always brought it up before. My computer isn't working to good tonight either. Slow. Wilma

Miz Judy & Mel

To your question: Here  in our household use one drop of flaxsed oil, (usually per-eye)..and sometimes during the day, whenever the eyes begin to get tired. But I think I prefer it at bed time, because this is when the eyes can really get proper rest.

I assume it's already been posted, but I must have missed it.
How much are you putting in each eye?   A couple of drops?
And how often each day?  Just at bedtime?
