Hi Jenny,
You may be interested to know that since the exam I have not failed to get
flaxseed oil into my eyes each night and and a little extra in the right
eye where the doctor said I had a dense cataract.
I had not realized that the cloudiness might be a cataract. Before I ever
had laser surgery Dr. Franklin told me there was a slight cataract there but
I had forgotten. I thought the whole thing was deterioration of the retina
where the laser had been used.
I do not know if this is wishful thinking, but I have to tell you what is
happening. This is the thirteenth day.
For several days I have felt that I was seeing some lettering on the TV that
was considerably smaller than the big "E" on the chart which was the only
thing I could make out on the exam.
This morning I found I could read quite a bit of the advertising messages on
TV with that eye.
Yesterday my wife went to the center for sight in Jefferson City to get her
The office wasn't busy. The only one there was the technician. I can't
think of her name for a minute. I am sure that you know her.
Before we left I was telling her about the Flaxseed oil in one's eyes and
she put on the chart and yesterday I could make out the letters in the next
size smaller.
During the exam I couldn't see it at all.
This morning I got the Newspaper and I could read the headline caption of
every column on the front page with that eye.
The haze and shadow is still there but I think it is getting less.
When you told me that your aunt in Texas cleared cataracts with Flax Oil I
am wondering if she put it directly in her eyes?
If this situation continues to improve I will stop in briefly and have you
check it yourself.
Thank you so much.
Cliff Beckwith