[FlaxSeedOil] Prostate: Good news about PIN.

Ralph Elliott

 I had PIN this message is to see if I get thru

----- Original Message -----
From: pkelly@...
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:53 PM
To: FlaxSeedOil@...
Subject: [FlaxSeedOil] Prostate: Good news about PIN.
The same group has good news for men who have been diagnosed with
high-grade prostatic interepithelial neoplasia (or PIN). Such men are
often told that they are on the path to having outright prostate
cancer. However, scientists now say that men with this diagnosis have
no greater risk of future prostate cancer than those whose prostates
are non-malignant. Dr. Andre N. Vis, of Erasmus University in
Rotterdam, and colleagues evaluated 20,000 men who were screened
between 1994 and 2000. A total of 4,057 men underwent biopsies
(tissue samples) after they failed a screening test based on prostate-
specific antigen (PSA) or some other standard method.

According to the investigators' report in the August 1, 2001 issue of
Cancer, 23.6% of study participants were diagnosed with prostate
carcinoma, 2.6% with prostate biopsy suspicious for malignancy, and
0.8% with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Among
patients who underwent repeated biopsy for intraepithelial neoplasia
within 6 weeks, 10.0% had prostate carcinoma. This rate was similar
to the 11.0% prostate carcinoma rate of men who underwent repeated
biopsy one year after an initial benign biopsy result. (Cancer

Prostate cancer is unlike most other cancers: most of the time it
does not metastasize or become life-threatening. A strategy
of "watchful waiting" (anticipatory management) may be appropriate
for you: ask your urologist or oncologist.

Be well all.


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Ralph Elliott

I see I can reply to FlaxSeedOil but have to be sure to put full address of FlaxSeedOil2@...  when you do if you've unsubscribed form the first one.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ralph Elliott
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2001 11:28 AM
To: FlaxSeedOil2@...
Subject: [FlaxSeedOil2] Re: [FlaxSeedOil] Prostate: Good news about PIN.
 I had PIN this message is to see if I get thru
----- Original Message -----
From: pkelly@...
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:53 PM
To: FlaxSeedOil@...
Subject: [FlaxSeedOil] Prostate: Good news about PIN.
The same group has good news for men who have been diagnosed with
high-grade prostatic interepithelial neoplasia (or PIN). Such men are
often told that they are on the path to having outright prostate
cancer. However, scientists now say that men with this diagnosis have
no greater risk of future prostate cancer than those whose prostates
are non-malignant. Dr. Andre N. Vis, of Erasmus University in
Rotterdam, and colleagues evaluated 20,000 men who were screened
between 1994 and 2000. A total of 4,057 men underwent biopsies
(tissue samples) after they failed a screening test based on prostate-
specific antigen (PSA) or some other standard method.

According to the investigators' report in the August 1, 2001 issue of
Cancer, 23.6% of study participants were diagnosed with prostate
carcinoma, 2.6% with prostate biopsy suspicious for malignancy, and
0.8% with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Among
patients who underwent repeated biopsy for intraepithelial neoplasia
within 6 weeks, 10.0% had prostate carcinoma. This rate was similar
to the 11.0% prostate carcinoma rate of men who underwent repeated
biopsy one year after an initial benign biopsy result. (Cancer

Prostate cancer is unlike most other cancers: most of the time it
does not metastasize or become life-threatening. A strategy
of "watchful waiting" (anticipatory management) may be appropriate
for you: ask your urologist or oncologist.

Be well all.


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Miz Judy & Mel

Yep came in here okay

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2001 11:27 AM
Subject: [FlaxSeedOil2] Re: [FlaxSeedOil] Prostate: Good news about PIN.

 I had PIN this message is to see if I get thru
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:53 PM
Subject: [FlaxSeedOil] Prostate: Good news about PIN.
The same group has good news for men who have been diagnosed with
high-grade prostatic interepithelial neoplasia (or PIN). Such men are
often told that they are on the path to having outright prostate
cancer. However, scientists now say that men with this diagnosis have
no greater risk of future prostate cancer than those whose prostates
are non-malignant. Dr. Andre N. Vis, of Erasmus University in
Rotterdam, and colleagues evaluated 20,000 men who were screened
between 1994 and 2000. A total of 4,057 men underwent biopsies
(tissue samples) after they failed a screening test based on prostate-
specific antigen (PSA) or some other standard method.

According to the investigators' report in the August 1, 2001 issue of
Cancer, 23.6% of study participants were diagnosed with prostate
carcinoma, 2.6% with prostate biopsy suspicious for malignancy, and
0.8% with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Among
patients who underwent repeated biopsy for intraepithelial neoplasia
within 6 weeks, 10.0% had prostate carcinoma. This rate was similar
to the 11.0% prostate carcinoma rate of men who underwent repeated
biopsy one year after an initial benign biopsy result. (Cancer

Prostate cancer is unlike most other cancers: most of the time it
does not metastasize or become life-threatening. A strategy
of "watchful waiting" (anticipatory management) may be appropriate
for you: ask your urologist or oncologist.

Be well all.


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