Jim Butcher - Trailer Wrapped and Side Jobs on Sale

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Trailer Wrapped and Side Jobs on Sale

By priscellie

We’ve wrapped filming on the Peace Talks book trailer! Director and superfan Priscellie (me, your humble Jim-Butcher.com content manager) offers her boundless thanks to all the readers who joined us in this endeavor, from department heads to extras to a kickass band of hard-working PAs.

Speaking of Peace Talks, a release date has been set, and we should be able to announce it VERY soon! Join our snazzy new mailing list to ensure you’re among the first to know. (If you were a member of our old Yahoo Groups mailing list, you’re good! Your subscription has been automatically transferred.)

While waiting for Peace Talks‘ release, why not catch up on some material you might have missed? Did you know Jim has written TWO volumes of Dresdenverse short stories, Side Jobs (2010) and Brief Cases (2018), which contain novellas from the points of view of Murphy, Molly, Marcone, Luccio, Butters, Maggie, and even Mouse? The Side Jobs eBook is currently on sale for $1.99 through December 22nd, so don’t miss this opportunity to catch our favorite wizard for hire in some slightly less world-threatening cases.

Buy Side Jobs and support independent bookstores with Books-a-Million or Kobo (learn how to buy ebooks from your favorite indie bookstore with Kobo), or snag it from Google Play, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, or Amazon. Join BookBub to learn about future promotions!