Jim Butcher - Events, RPG Art, Fool Moon Read-Along, and More!

jimbutcher@groups.io Integration

Events, RPG Art, and More!

By priscellie


There’s a LOT going on this week, and we can’t wait to share it with you. If you haven’t yet, join our announcement list and follow @jimbutchernews on Twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment in the Dresden Files’ 20th Anniversary Spectacular!

Travel Schedule, Part 1

We’re glad we broke protocol and messaged you all about the ECCC 20th Anniversary Party a day early, because tickets sold out in less than four hours! Hell’s bells, you guys are dedicated. :D

Jim’s publicity team is busy hammering out the dates and details for his signing tour, but to start the ball rolling, here are the first three (of many!) events Jim will be attending in 2020.

Superstars Writing Seminar (NOT a con–a series of workshops on the craft and business of being/becoming a professional writer)
February 5 – 8, 2020
Antlers Hotel
4 S. Cascade Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Jim’s tentative schedule includes seminars on crafting protagonists and antagonists, dealing with feedback, spinoffs, finding balance, the art of the con, and more!

February 28 – March 1, 2020
Pensacola Bay Center
201 E Gregory St
Pensacola, FL 32502

Emerald City Comic Con
March 12 – 15, 2020
Washington State Convention Center
705 Pike St
Seattle, WA 98101
Unfortunately, the the 20th Anniversary Party SOLD OUT in under 4 hours!

We don’t have information yet about the timing of Jim’s panels and signings for Pensacon or ECCC, but we’ll announce those details as soon as we have them.

Artist Spotlight, Part 2

During the four-week duration of the “Year of Dresden” Fanart Contest, we’ll be spotlighting some of the incredible artists from our official tie-ins to help inspire you to create your own pieces! If you missed last week’s roundup and the rules of the contest, you can view that post here.  Submit your entries to yearofdresden (at) gmail.com by February 13th for a shot at the grand prize: a signed ARC of Peace Talks and the print of your choice from Mika Kuloda! 

This week and next, we’re celebrating some of the artists who contributed to the Dresden role playing games. Today’s crew contributed their talents to the first two volumes, “Your Story” and “Our World,” which you can snag in pdf format from the Evil Hat store. (The hardcovers are out of print.)    Check out all the gorgeous art on our website!

Read-Along Revised

We heard your comments, and we're revising our Read-Along methodology!

First, we're reducing the discussions for Fool Moon, Grave Peril, and Summer Knight to one week each, so the timing of the release of Peace Talks dovetails with the beginning of its discussion.

Second, we're creating two discussion threads for each book. The Non-Spoiler thread will contain ONLY spoilers through end end of that book, and the Spoiler thread will be fair game for EVERYTHING up until Peace Talks. That way, long-time fans have the freedom to dissect the how the events of the earlier books echo into later books without spoiling the experience of first-time readers.

And finally, we're adding additional focus questions to help steer conversation to juicier lines of discussion.

So join us as we dive into Fool Moon for one week only! Here are links to the spoiler-friendly and spoiler-free threads, as well as a new open thread for general discussion of all things Dresden.

Ongoing Goodies


Also, TODAY is the last day to enter the sweepstakes for a signed set of every Dresden novel through Skin Game! US residents only.

And that’s all the news that’s fit to print! See you next week for another Dresden Drop.