Non-Crestron Audio Player Recommendation? #crestron


So guys, what's the best non-Crestron Audio Player out there at the moment? (that has a crestron module of course).



I have had pretty good results with Autonomic


NIce, thanks for response.

Do they provide you with the crestron module and demo project?


Yes, Autonomic works with the media player object.


Mirage Media Server is the product. Couldn't be easier really


I´ve asked a similar question a couple of months ago (Sonos replacement). 
Autonomic and Lode are on my short list.
I´ll receive my Lode test/demo unit later this week and will have a closer look. The information i received so far sound pretty good.

Am 09.03.2020 19:04:30 schrieb David Chramcow <dchramcow@...>:

So guys, what's the best non-Crestron Audio Player out there at the moment? (that has a crestron module of course).



Thanks, will definitely keep that option in mind.

A bummer that their support downloads page is down for some reason.


Lode seems like a great alternative indeed. I'm already taking a look at their demo project for Crestron, seems relative straightforward.

Thanks Throsten!


Checkout Bluesound Professional / NAD. They have nice 1U 19” solutions with 4 zones. With or W/O Amps.




Från: <> För David Chramcow via Groups.Io
Skickat: den 9 mars 2020 19:04
Ämne: [crestron] Non-Crestron Audio Player Recommendation? #crestron


So guys, what's the best non-Crestron Audio Player out there at the moment? (that has a crestron module of course).



Sound looks interesting, but it looks like it does not support Pandora!! Can anyone confirm??


Confirmed, Bluesound does not have Pandora. 

Ryan Cunningham 

On Mar 11, 2020, at 11:56 AM, ckangis <chris@...> wrote:

Sound looks interesting, but it looks like it does not support Pandora!! Can anyone confirm??


Guys, does anybody has or knows of an example video showing Autonomics and Crestron integration?
Like user interface usage, etc.


Autonomics uses the Crestron Smart Graphics Media Player


Good to know.
For zone/group management then a custom self-designed interface is needed, right?
Or how about using the Autonomics mobile app?


There are files you can download from SnapAV/Autonomics, click on the support tab, including an example program. I used the example program to make my template using the SG Media Player, I think it works quite well.




Thanks for all the info fellas.

Seems like we have 3 very formidable options in Lode, Autonomics and Bluesound.


We took a look at Lode, but it doesn't support Spotify or Pandora yet. Most of our clients use Spotify and want the ability to search / browse the catalog from the Crestron GUI. The Autonomic MMS is the only product I have come across that does this. With Sonos integration you can only get Spotify playlists, you cant search for a song or artist from the Crestron media player.

I hope Lode gets on board with Spotify and Pandora as I would like an alternative to Autonomic.



i talked to Ed from Lode 5 weeks ago.
Spotify is supported. The documentation and website is not up-to-date.
I´ll receive a demo unit this week / early next week an will report back.


Am 12.03.2020 20:33:45 schrieb ftvenezia@... <ftvenezia@...>:

We took a look at Lode, but it doesn't support Spotify or Pandora yet. Most of our clients use Spotify and want the ability to search / browse the catalog from the Crestron GUI. The Autonomic MMS is the only product I have come across that does this. With Sonos integration you can only get Spotify playlists, you cant search for a song or artist from the Crestron media player.

I hope Lode gets on board with Spotify and Pandora as I would like an alternative to Autonomic.


I have heard some people swear by Autonomics and some that wont touch it with a 10 foot pole. I can tell you we are in the latter of the two. We ate the cost of the product and labor on 3 separate jobs where the Autonomic would become completely unresponsive. Tech support was of no help. I now have 3 door stops in my warehouse and had to eat crow with some good clients.