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Non-Crestron Audio Player Recommendation?
I´ve asked a similar question a couple of months ago (Sonos replacement). Autonomic and Lode are on my short list. I´ll receive my Lode test/demo unit later this week and will have a closer look. The information i received so far sound pretty good.
Checkout Bluesound Professional / NAD. They have nice 1U 19” solutions with 4 zones. With or W/O Amps.
Från: <> För
David Chramcow via Groups.Io
So guys, what's the best non-Crestron Audio Player out there at the moment? (that has a crestron module of course). |
Confirmed, Bluesound does not have Pandora.
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Ryan Cunningham On Mar 11, 2020, at 11:56 AM, ckangis <chris@...> wrote:
There are files you can download from SnapAV/Autonomics, click on the support tab, including an example program. I used the example program to make my template using the SG Media Player, I think it works quite well. |
We took a look at Lode, but it doesn't support Spotify or Pandora yet. Most of our clients use Spotify and want the ability to search / browse the catalog from the Crestron GUI. The Autonomic MMS is the only product I have come across that does this. With Sonos integration you can only get Spotify playlists, you cant search for a song or artist from the Crestron media player.
I hope Lode gets on board with Spotify and Pandora as I would like an alternative to Autonomic. |
Hi, i talked to Ed from Lode 5 weeks ago. Spotify is supported. The documentation and website is not up-to-date. I´ll receive a demo unit this week / early next week an will report back. Regards, Thorsten
I have heard some people swear by Autonomics and some that wont touch it with a 10 foot pole. I can tell you we are in the latter of the two. We ate the cost of the product and labor on 3 separate jobs where the Autonomic would become completely unresponsive. Tech support was of no help. I now have 3 door stops in my warehouse and had to eat crow with some good clients.
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