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Where to buy in US and other questions
After reading the mail for few months I am ready to buy.
I understand most NanoVNA , if not all, is made in China. I prefer to support US dealership , if possible. Amazon or Wallyworld? Secondly - again from reading the mail - some users are not to thrilled by flimsy SMT connectors. Is there a clone with more solid connectors? How "critical" is shielded hardware? My intend is to play with Beverage antenna on HF and in future with phaising arrays on 440 MHz. So "basic" up to 900 MHz hardware will do nicely. Any to the subject comments / experiences will be appreciated. |
While you don't need any additional features when measuring beverages, I'd highly recommend the newest version, the H4. For working in the field the larger display is VERY nice.
I have one of the original, smaller nanovnas and its very difficult to read the screen outside. The larger screen is VERY much easier. And the price is about the same. And yes, I've heard R&L has them and I think GigaParts is also selling them. Not sure which models. Good luck Ron N4XD |
Thanks for the comments on the screen size.
I have spent last few months playing with Bluetooth and planning to add BT technology to the NanoVNA. I was hoping that somebody will "update" the processor which would include BT or other wireless technology. It seems most updates are to increase the frequency range, which is of no interest to me. When I started on that I had real headache "working" with NanoVNA OS without having access to the hardware. It will be non issue after I get my NanoVNA. |
Hi Vaclav,
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I don´t know if you are aware that the nanoVNA can be connected to an Android phone so you can see the graphics in a better screen and also store it in the phone. This was my reason to buy one nanoVNA with the small screen. Some vendors include the necessary cable in the "gift box", but it can be purchased inexpensively almost anywhere. Regards, Ignacio EB4APL El 31/05/2020 a las 18:01, vaclav_sal via escribió:
Thanks for the comments on the screen size. --
El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de virus. |
thanks for the note. Appreciate that very much. I have not looked into off-shelf "accessories". My interest in "wireless" technology is just for fun, or (software coding) punishment ( HI HI ) . After years of using GDM and SWR meters to analyze antennas I am not sure if GUI is such great improvement in amateur radio usage playing with antennas. (But some folks just like pictures…) Either the antenna meets design theory or not. I could see (some) benefits in tunning filters “on the fly” , but that is not of my interest. I am actually very curious how NanoVNA will "analyze" my Beverage , especially the theoretical frequency response on different bands. Vaclav |
Hi Herb,
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I contacted R&L about buying and shipping a Nanovna-H4 to Canada.They sell the H4 for $60US but they quoted me $30US for USPS shipping to Toronto which sounds way too high. Needless to say, I bought an H4 from Banggood (Hugen said they are original) - they have the H4 on sale today for $63US ($93CAD) with $3 shipping & tracking to Canada ($96 total).Lately, I've been getting stuff from Banggood in 3 weeks. From R&L, it would have cost me $124 CAD. ...Larry On Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 12:20:43 p.m. EDT, hwalker <herbwalker2476@...> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 01:14 AM, Hugen wrote: Hugen, Any chance of working with R&L to get them to be a supplier for your S-A-A-V2.2? - Herb |
On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 09:56 AM, Larry Rothman wrote:
I contacted R&L about buying and shipping a Nanovna-H4 to Canada. They sell the H4 for $60US but they quoted me $30US for USPS shipping to Toronto which sounds way too high. ================================= Larry, $30 for shipping sounds high to me also. I believe shipping for an -H4 cost me around $10 here in the states and I received it in 4-days. I would have called and asked for a better deal for our North American neighbors :) - Herb |
I do not know with regards to the dealer you mentioned but I have purchased
a few through R&L electronics and they appear to be the genuine article and seem to function perfectly. Quick shipment too! The usual disclaimer: I have no association with R&L other than I am a very satisfied customer! H4: Test Kit: (Great for building your own test fixtures) S-A-A-2 aka NanoVNA V2 (50K-3GHz) (with the better SS405 Cables List of all NanoVNA related: 73, Sam Reaves ARS W3OHM Owner and Moderator of: LeCroy Owners Group on (Current and Future Group) Electronics and Mechanical Hardware Design Engineering Manager Andritz Rolls Global Research Center (RETIRED) |
On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 02:39 PM, Sam Reaves wrote:
.. I do not know with regards to the dealer you mentioned but I have purchased a few through R&L electronics and they appear to be the genuine article and seem to function perfectly. Quick shipment too!.. ================================================= Sam, My ham club members are happy customers of R&L Electronics but as far as 'genuine article' is concerned: hugen designed and produced the NanoVNA-H and NanoVNA-H4 products sold by R&L. The SAA-2 sold by R&L was designed by Gabriel and HCXQS and manufactured by hugen in-line with OwOComm's technical specifications. The following wording is from hugen's Alibaba store. "3GHz vector network analyzer, designed by OwOComm, under the LGPL license agreement, it is completely manufactured according to the v2_2 files issued by OwOComm at Development Department, in line with the original technical specifications designed by OwOComm" Gabriel is pretty quick to correct any wording that, innocently or not, gives the appearance a V2 other than her own is the real thing. - Herb |
Just order it from R & L Electronics.
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David J. Wilcox K8WPE’s iPad On Aug 6, 2020, at 12:52 PM, Edward McCann <edwmccann@...> wrote: |
On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 04:12 AM, Thomas Calvete wrote:
Amazon has a wide selection of namovnas in stock. Thoughts? ================================================== Tom, The wide selection on Amazon is a "good thing, bad thing" dilemma. Good to have such a wide choice available. Bad that you have to do your research to weed the mediocre units from the good. When you purchase in the US from a known and respected seller like R&L Electronics, you know for sure where they get their stock from. Plus you support a brick and mortar ham store in these trying times for local businesses - if that means anything to you. - Herb |
And I'd say watch from buying from US sellers, too. I bought my nanoVNA direct from hugen. Yes, I had to wait a bit but I get EXACTLY what I wanted. I recently was looking for an accessory item for the nanoVNA, won't say what it was. A source in China was mentioned but someone said buying from a US source was better; you know what you're getting and it is quicker. So I did. Bought it from a US seller. The price was 60 percent more than the Chinese source. Plus I had to pay shipping. The only shipping options were Express Mail flat rate and delivery by UPS and Fedex. I chose the cheaper of the three at $8. I got the item fairly quickly, 4 days. But the item was sent flat rate first class at $3. What happened to the $5 I paid extra. What happened was that the final cost of the item was 300 percent of the China source with half of that being pocketed by the seller.
When I ordered from the US seller, I decided to test what someone said about the quality of the China item. I ordered one. It came in 3 weeks after the US seller item. Reasonable from China. Shipping was free. I closely examined it. Doggone if it wasn't the SAME EXACT item I got from the US seller. I'll bet we bought from the same China supplier. Moral: If you buy from trusted Chinese suppliers, you'll just have to wait a bit for the same items you buy from US sellers. And, you'll get it at a much cheaper price usually. A 300 percent increase in expenditure wasn't worth the time I saved getting the item. And, no, I won't say who the seller was. I don't want to get sued implying that someone did something underhanded. In any purchase you make, US, China, Russia, Ukraine, Caveat Emptor, let the buyer beware. BruceN / K4TQL -- *"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk"* -- Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) |
I didn't see a NanoVNA-F there, does he carry them?
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73, N0AN Hasan On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 7:58 AM hwalker <herbwalker2476@...> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 04:12 AM, Thomas Calvete wrote: |
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