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Buying a NanoVNA-H4 - Are the units on Amazon UK ok and up to date?
HI all,
After some research I've decided on buying the H4 model, I want the larger screen but cannot see any reason to pay £50 more for the F version. I've seen one on Amazon UK advertised as *4" Touch Screen (4.2 Version)*, would this be an up to date hardware version, I just want to get a decent piece of hardware. Thanks, Andy |
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If you don't need to go cutting edge and get the Ver2 nano, the H4 is a good choice at this time.. Please note that even if you get one that comes with older firmware, updating is very easy after you set up the software on your computer and there are many threads in the forum and instructions in the WIKI and Files sections to help you along. Please read up about the H4 in the forum Wiki - links are at the end of each email. Regards,Larry On Monday, June 29, 2020, 10:13:57 a.m. EDT, a_w_smith via <a_w_smith@...> wrote:
HI all, After some research I've decided on buying the H4 model, I want the larger screen but cannot see any reason to pay £50 more for the F version. I've seen one on Amazon UK advertised as *4" Touch Screen (4.2 Version)*, would this be an up to date hardware version, I just want to get a decent piece of hardware. Thanks, Andy |
Hi Larry,
Does the ver2 come with a 4" display? I was looking at the H4 for the display size, will mainly be using it below 500MHz. I realise the firmware can be updated but do I need to look for a specific hardware version or will all nanovna-h4 have the same hardware? I was reading up on the expensive F version and that lists 3 hardware versions, is it a similar situation with the the h4, I have already read the wiki but it didn't seem to mention if there were different hardware revisions of h4 model? Thanks, Andy |
Hugen will be coming out with a 4" version of the V2 nano this summer, if you want to wait. Right now only a 2.8" version is available.
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As for hardware, a number of clone companies are producing the H4 so you should check reviews here from forum members in the UK who have purchased. You can use the forum search tool - tips doc at top of Wiki homepage. I am waiting for my H4 from - hugen told me they purchased from his supplier, so I bought one from BG. You may want to check out On Monday, June 29, 2020, 11:14:52 a.m. EDT, a_w_smith via <a_w_smith@...> wrote:
Hi Larry, Does the ver2 come with a 4" display? I was looking at the H4 for the display size, will mainly be using it below 500MHz. I realise the firmware can be updated but do I need to look for a specific hardware version or will all nanovna-h4 have the same hardware? I was reading up on the expensive F version and that lists 3 hardware versions, is it a similar situation with the the h4, I have already read the wiki but it didn't seem to mention if there were different hardware revisions of h4 model? Thanks, Andy |
Andy -
Seems a genuine product - see my review on it on Amazon. That's a view of PCB - it has provision for soldering on an SD card if required. Firmware was V0.5.0 - updated to Dislords 96Khz and it works fine. |
Is there really anyway to known they are real and not a knock off? R&L Electronics is cheaper I think. Is it possible to buy directly from Edy555 or Hugen?
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-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of stevepilotltd Sent: Monday, June 29, 2020 2:56 PM To: Subject: Re: [nanovna-users] Buying a NanoVNA-H4 - Are the units on Amazon UK ok and up to date? #buying Andy - Seems a genuine product - see my review on it on Amazon. That's a view of PCB - it has provision for soldering on an SD card if required. Firmware was V0.5.0 - updated to Dislords 96Khz and it works fine. |
On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 01:50 PM, Darrell Carothers wrote:
Is there really anyway to known they are real and not a knock off? R&L Electronics is cheaper I think. Is it possible to buy directly from Edy555 or Hugen? ======================================= In the United States, R&L is a hugen recommended seller. My ham club has purchased several -H4's from them and they have all arrived within a week (usually 4-5 days) at a fair shipping price. You can buy directly from hugen at but if you are located in the states it makes more sense to save shipping costs and time by purchasing the hugen supplied -H4 from R&L. You will be supporting hugen and also one of the few brick and molar ham stores remaining in the states. Edy555 does not manufacture -H4's. His firmware is only for the 2.8" NanoVNA. He does endorse a couple of suppliers, one of which carry's hugen's -H4, but doesn't manufacture his own products as hugen does. - Herb |
On Monday 29 June 2020 06:43:20 pm hwalker wrote:
On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 01:50 PM, Darrell Carothers wrote:Nice to know that they are well thought of. I have one on order from R&L, which should be here on Thursday. Is it a good assumption that this unit will have the most current firmware? -- Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and ablest -- form of life in this section of space, a critter that can be killed but can't be tamed. --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters" - Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies. --James M Dakin |
On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 04:40 PM, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
Nice to know that they are well thought of. I have one on order from R&L, which should be here on Thursday. Is it a good assumption that this unit will have the most current firmware? ====================================== It will have the most recent "official" firmware from hugen's GitHub page. Hugen recommends DiSlord's current firmware and I totally agree. It has a ton of must have features (201pts vs 101pts, selectable bandwidths, various speed improvements and the latest eddy555 features). If you are handy with a soldering iron then DiSlord's latest firmware also supports a real-time clock and sandisk for storing screenshots and data files. I'm don't know what measurements you intend to use your -H4 for, but I've spent hours verifying and sorting components in my workshop that otherwise would have gone in my "unknown" condition bin. Other's use it as a hyped up antenna analyzer that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. If you ever need to make measurements to 3GHz, R&L also stocks hugen's version of the S-A-A-V2 for about the same price as the -H4. I prefer working with the -H4 because of its larger screen size and DiSlord's firmware features. For measurements above 1 GHz, I use the S-A-A-V2 because of its better performance. - Herb - Herb |
Ok. On your recommendation I will be ordering a H4. You suggest to measure over 1Ghz to get the S-A-A or was that someone else? I really want to support the developers that continue to improve the firmware.
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Darrell Sent from my over-rated IPhone 7 Plus. Any Mis-spellings or grammar errors are due to my IPhone auto correct feature. On Jun 29, 2020, at 17:43, hwalker <herbwalker2476@...> wrote: |
On Monday 29 June 2020 09:03:13 pm hwalker wrote:
On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 04:40 PM, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:I am, but not with surface-mount parts, my eyes are not anywhere near as good as they used to be. Heck, I need some help reading the part numbers on transistors more often than not any more. I'm don't know what measurements you intend to use your -H4 for, but I've spent hours verifying and sorting components in my workshop that otherwise would have gone in my "unknown" condition bin. Other's use it as a hyped up antenna analyzer that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.I'm thinking at this point that antenna work will probably be a lot of it. Tell me more about how you're testing components with it? I scrap out a lot of stuff, and would like to be able to characterize some parts that I don't have any info on. Somebody mentioned testing crystals in a recent post, ferinstance, and that sounds pretty useful. If you ever need to make measurements to 3GHz, R&L also stocks hugen's version of the S-A-A-V2 for about the same price as the -H4. I prefer working with the -H4 because of its larger screen size and DiSlord's firmware features. For measurements above 1 GHz, I use the S-A-A-V2 because of its better performance.I saw that, and looked at it too when I saw a link posted, but I don't anticipate me doing anything up that hiigh in the near future. And I like the idea of a larger screen as well. I don't see me getting another unit in the near future, but I'm not ruling anything out either. :-) -- Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and ablest -- form of life in this section of space, a critter that can be killed but can't be tamed. --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters" - Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies. --James M Dakin |
On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 06:49 PM, Darrell Carothers wrote:
You suggest to measure over 1Ghz to get the S-A-A or was that someone else? I really want to support the developers that continue to improve the firmware. ==================================== Darrell, Yes, For measurements above 1 GHz, especially impedance measurements, the S-A-A-2 is your best choice and the clear choice from 1.5-3.5GHZ. That's assuming you are trying to keep your purchase price below $100 USD. DiSlord has delivered the most significant firmware update so far with his support for a 4" display. Not much from the original developer except a release to fix some bugs reported by users. You can support, OwOComm, the original developer by purchasing from but you will pay $60 for the V2, another $14 for SOLT kit/cables/acrylic enclosure, $20 for shipping to the U.S. and you will still need to purchase your own battery. I'm not certain what the royalty arrangement is between the manufacturer, HCXQS, and OwOComm, or if any royalty payments support further firmware development. I bought my first V2 from the Tindie store but purchased my second one from R&L because I am located in the states and the R&L hugen version of the V2 came completely packaged with clam shell case, cables and battery. Shipping was less than a week. - Herb - Herb |
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