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Help confirming if my NanoVNA-H4 is an original
Wow, you already have the SD-Card reader populated! The black box and that
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SD card reader strongly suggests an authentic one, of the latest batch. -- Sent from my mobile device, apologies for typos PGP key: On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 12:10 PM Nan <vk2krn@...> wrote:
Hi All |
This version is produced by me. Thanks to DiSlord for completing the transplantation of microSD. For the newly produced PCB, we have installed a MicroSD card slot and replaced the 2000mAh battery. You can refresh DiSlord's latest firmware and use the microSD card after making holes in the case. I will modify the case and add a 32.768kHz crystal when the next larger version is updated.
Hi Hugen
Many thanks for the confirmation and I am relieved to note that I have bought an original version! The 32.768KHz X'tal is missing on this board although the MicroSD card is installed. Can you please point me to the need for the X'tal? I am away from home and might take several weeks before I can get back to my shack due to the pandemic. BR Nan |
Hi Nan, here you can see the DiSlord firmware and links to the descriptions: Successful use 73, Gyula HA3HZ -- *** If you are not part of the solution, then you are the problem. ( ) *** |
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