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Jim Butcher - Questionpalooza and Marsters Madness Integration
Questionpalooza and Marsters MadnessBy priscellie
![]() Peace Talks is here, and Battle Ground is only two months away! Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order your copy through the Store. If you’re looking for signed copies of Peace Talks, we believe University Bookstore still has signed stock, though we suggest double-checking with them before placing your order to ensure availability. For art aficionados, Worldbuilders is selling copies of Peace Talks with signed bookplates, featuring your choice of illustrations by Nate Taylor and Satine Phoenix. As for signed copies of Battle Ground, sit tight! We expect those to become available about a month before publication. Keep an eye on this site and the @JimButcherNews twitter feed for updates. Questionpalooza!The last of Jim’s Virtual Video Q&As surrounding the release of Peace Talks is TOMORROW! Join Jim and University Bookstore Seattle Wednesday at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific on an exclusive Zoom call. Note: This is a ticketed event. Fans must order a copy of Peace Talks from their store to attend. ![]() This past week saw two fabulous virtual Q&As. On Tuesday, The Poisoned Pen hosted Jim for a hilarious evening of questions from fans and moderator Patrick King. Questions and answers alike were fresh and delightful and are sure to entertain, but honestly, 90% of the reason you’re going to want to watch this video is a ridiculously cute moment with Jim’s dog Bru. We can’t even. Marsters MadnessWorry not, audiophiles! James Marsters has been confirmed to perform the audiobook of Battle Ground! He hasn’t recorded it yet, so we don’t have another hilarious video of him in the booth bragging about having read it first, but you can revisit his video from the recording of Peace Talks. You can preorder the Battle Ground audiobook from Audible through our store or from Apple Books,, Google Play, and through his publisher. And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. |