Avoid this nanoVNA-v2 seller! #buying #hardware #nanovna_ver2 #nanovna-v2


I found a recommendation for this seller (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001053167593.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.4c894c4dln4x7M) here on the group so I ordered my VNA-v2 about a month ago. The seller turned out to be untrustworthy. I paid ~ $110 which is way more expensive than the current VNA-v2 versions by $40 to $50 hoping I can get a premium product for a premium price. Unfortunately, I received the item in a horrible package without any kind of safety wrap where I found most of the case parts broken into pieces. I tried to contact the seller to get a refund for the broken case and pay only for the VNA+battery option. He offered $10 only refund and when I refused saying it is not the proper price and the item should have been shipped in a better package he said, "How about $5 only?". I filed a dispute on Aliexpress and waited for the decision. It finally came saying than I need to ship it all and get a full refund. The ridiculous part is that I am required to pay for the return shipping even if it is the seller's fault!. They said your seller refused to pay for the return, refused the partial refund and even not replying to our email notifications. Now, the clock is ticking and if I didn't ship it in a short period of time, the dispute will be resolved as if I want to keep the item!.

Long story short, don't buy from this seller no matter what. Aliexpress will sell you short, zero customer protection.


Although this message was specific to nanovna-v2, Ashraf posted it here, and I approved the posting (as co-owner of nanovna-users), and I believe his message helpful and in-scope:

I had almost identical problem about 2 months ago with aliexpress, where the seller "3C Shenzhen Store" did not ship the correct item (4" ST7796S touch display). The seller agreed to their error, then required return shipping at my expense (to china) as a condition of refund (which I did not do). Problematically, there is no means to escalate to a human at aliexpress (vs. just the seller), and their "chat bot" system proved of no help.

I wish to echo what ashraf posted, as a helpful cautionary note about transactions on aliexpress: "Long story short, don't buy from this seller no matter what. Aliexpress will sell you short, zero customer protection."


On Tue, 25 Aug 2020 at 18:14, <ashraf.physics.ta@...> wrote:

I filed a dispute on Aliexpress and waited for the decision. It finally
came saying than I need to ship it all and get a full refund. The
ridiculous part is that I am required to pay for the return shipping even
if it is the seller's fault!. They said your seller refused to pay for the
return, refused the partial refund and even not replying to our email
notifications. Now, the clock is ticking and if I didn't ship it in a short
period of time, the dispute will be resolved as if I want to keep the item!.

Long story short, don't buy from this seller no matter what. Aliexpress
will sell you short, zero customer protection.
That's why I have not bought a NanoVNA from Aliexpress. At least on eBay,
if something arrives not working, the seller has to pay shipping back.



I ordered a NanoVNA H4 from AliExpress, and the seller was Lusya Technology
Store. It took a little while to arrive, but was an original H4 supplied in
the black box with gold lettering, which contained the H4, three SMA
terminations (short, open and 50 ohm), two identical cables with SMA male
on each end, a USB cable and a micro-USB cable. I just thought that I'd say
I was very happy with THIS seller and would recommend them if you get to
choose what seller you have.

Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 12:20 PM <ashraf.physics.ta@...> wrote:

I found a recommendation for this seller (
here on the group so I ordered my VNA-v2 about a month ago. The seller
turned out to be untrustworthy. I paid ~ $110 which is way more expensive
than the current VNA-v2 versions by $40 to $50 hoping I can get a premium
product for a premium price. Unfortunately, I received the item in a
horrible package without any kind of safety wrap where I found most of the
case parts broken into pieces. I tried to contact the seller to get a
refund for the broken case and pay only for the VNA+battery option. He
offered $10 only refund and when I refused saying it is not the proper
price and the item should have been shipped in a better package he said,
"How about $5 only?". I filed a dispute on Aliexpress and waited for the
decision. It finally came saying than I need to ship it all and get a full
refund. The ridiculous part is that I am required to pay for the return
shipping even if it is the seller's fault!. They said your seller refused
to pay for the return, refused the partial refund and even not replying to
our email notifications. Now, the clock is ticking and if I didn't ship it
in a short period of time, the dispute will be resolved as if I want to
keep the item!.

Long story short, don't buy from this seller no matter what. Aliexpress
will sell you short, zero customer protection.



Just to chime in since it seems that everyone had a bad customer experience
on AliExpress.
So far I had quite a positive experience with their support, there are real
humans evaluating the cases and
as long as you provide clear evidence and explanation you will receive a
refund. In 2 cases I got full refunds
for DOA items without sending the items back. The items were in the ~30USD
price range. In one instance
I was even able to get a refund for a fake STM32 after I explained that you
can't print STM when the manufacturer is CSK.
During this pandemic about ~50% of the items that I ordered did not arrive
and I got refunds for all of them so
my overall experience is quite positive.

On Tue, 25 Aug 2020 at 19:20, <ashraf.physics.ta@...> wrote:

I found a recommendation for this seller (
here on the group so I ordered my VNA-v2 about a month ago. The seller
turned out to be untrustworthy. I paid ~ $110 which is way more expensive
than the current VNA-v2 versions by $40 to $50 hoping I can get a premium
product for a premium price. Unfortunately, I received the item in a
horrible package without any kind of safety wrap where I found most of the
case parts broken into pieces. I tried to contact the seller to get a
refund for the broken case and pay only for the VNA+battery option. He
offered $10 only refund and when I refused saying it is not the proper
price and the item should have been shipped in a better package he said,
"How about $5 only?". I filed a dispute on Aliexpress and waited for the
decision. It finally came saying than I need to ship it all and get a full
refund. The ridiculous part is that I am required to pay for the return
shipping even if it is the seller's fault!. They said your seller refused
to pay for the return, refused the partial refund and even not replying to
our email notifications. Now, the clock is ticking and if I didn't ship it
in a short period of time, the dispute will be resolved as if I want to
keep the item!.

Long story short, don't buy from this seller no matter what. Aliexpress
will sell you short, zero customer protection.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 11:06 AM, Zack Widup wrote:

I ordered a NanoVNA H4 from AliExpress, and the seller was Lusya Technology
Store. It took a little while to arrive, but was an original H4 supplied in
the black box with gold lettering, which contained the H4, three SMA
terminations (short, open and 50 ohm), two identical cables with SMA male
on each end, a USB cable and a micro-USB cable. I just thought that I'd say
I was very happy with THIS seller and would recommend them if you get to
choose what seller you have.

Zack W9SZ

I got the same good experience with the same seller, received the original H4.

Also, I think the legit Hugen store in Aliexpress with all his products is

It is mentioned in this post some time ago

Christos SV1EIA


Unfortunately that store listings are hidden, I get nothing except when I
paste in a direct
product link.

Also, I think the legit Hugen store in Aliexpress with all his products is

It is mentioned in this post some time ago



I bought an H4 recently from randl.com
They keep stock of Hugen's products here in the US,
took about two days to reach me via the USPS.

Jerry, KE7ER

Clint Jay

There is no guarantee of a seller having to pay return shipping on eBay, I've bought from sellers who refused to accept the delivery after I'd shipped it, eBay refunded me for the purchase but not the return shipping and the goods were 'lost'.

From: nanovna-users@groups.io <nanovna-users@groups.io> on behalf of Dr. David Kirkby, Kirkby Microwave Ltd <drkirkby@...>
Sent: 25 August 2020 17:36
To: nanovna-users <nanovna-users@groups.io>
Subject: Re: [nanovna-users] Avoid this nanoVNA-v2 seller! #nanovna-v2 #buying #hardware #nanovna_ver2

On Tue, 25 Aug 2020 at 18:14, <ashraf.physics.ta@...> wrote:

I filed a dispute on Aliexpress and waited for the decision. It finally
came saying than I need to ship it all and get a full refund. The
ridiculous part is that I am required to pay for the return shipping even
if it is the seller's fault!. They said your seller refused to pay for the
return, refused the partial refund and even not replying to our email
notifications. Now, the clock is ticking and if I didn't ship it in a short
period of time, the dispute will be resolved as if I want to keep the item!.

Long story short, don't buy from this seller no matter what. Aliexpress
will sell you short, zero customer protection.
That's why I have not bought a NanoVNA from Aliexpress. At least on eBay,
if something arrives not working, the seller has to pay shipping back.



I did the same thing a few weeks ago. I can heartily recommend R&L.

When they get the 4" version of the TinySA I will purchase it from them also.

73, Dick, W1KSZ
From: nanovna-users@groups.io <nanovna-users@groups.io> on behalf of Jerry Gaffke via groups.io <jgaffke@...>
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 2:20 PM
To: nanovna-users@groups.io <nanovna-users@groups.io>
Subject: Re: [nanovna-users] Avoid this nanoVNA-v2 seller! #nanovna-v2 #buying #hardware #nanovna_ver2

I bought an H4 recently from randl.com
They keep stock of Hugen's products here in the US,
took about two days to reach me via the USPS.

Jerry, KE7ER


I second the idea to buy from R&L Electronics. Mine came quickly and was correct from the get going. Great service R&L!

David J. Wilcox K8WPE’s iPad

On Aug 25, 2020, at 5:20 PM, Jerry Gaffke via groups.io <jgaffke@...> wrote:

I bought an H4 recently from randl.com
They keep stock of Hugen's products here in the US,
took about two days to reach me via the USPS.

Jerry, KE7ER


On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 01:52 PM, Dragan Milivojevic wrote:

Unfortunately that store listings are hidden, I get nothing except when I
paste in a direct
product link.
Hi Dragan,

It works ok here, see screenshot from the store's link



The sellers approved by Hugen et al, are well known. Why use anyone else?


Dave / group, Good Morning

Is there no protection even with a credit card purchase?




I bought mine (H4) through Amazon. I do business with them all the time, I trust them, I got mine in a couple days instead of a couple months. It was a simple decision. If I could have I would have gone into a brick and mortar store to buy it.


Bill KU8H

bark less - wag more

On 8/26/20 6:52 AM, Gerry Kavanagh via groups.io wrote:
The sellers approved by Hugen et al, are well known. Why use anyone else?


It seems that all of the products do not have shipping options for Serbia
so that's
why the store appears empty. When I switch the country setting the listings

On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 at 12:22, Christos SV1EIA via groups.io <sv1eia=
yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:

On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 01:52 PM, Dragan Milivojevic wrote:

Unfortunately that store listings are hidden, I get nothing except when I
paste in a direct
product link.
Hi Dragan,

It works ok here, see screenshot from the store's link



There is nothing to worry about, Aliexpress is a multi billion company,
they did not
get there via bad business practices.
Anyway I had hundreds of orders from Aliexpress, newer had any issues with

On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 at 13:36, Bob_G1ZJP <R_Offer@...> wrote:

Dave / group, Good Morning

Is there no protection even with a credit card purchase?



Hi Milivojevic,

I'm glad to see you testify. I ordered my tinySA from them.


Bill KU8H

bark less - wag more

On 8/26/20 9:34 AM, Dragan Milivojevic wrote:
There is nothing to worry about, Aliexpress is a multi billion company,
they did not
get there via bad business practices.
Anyway I had hundreds of orders from Aliexpress, newer had any issues with


Hello Bill,

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Do they ship to the UK does anyone know? My nanovna from Ebay arrived
with a damaged port thread and contact and has had to be returned.

Best regards,
Chris mailto:chris@...

BC> Hi Milivojevic,

BC> I'm glad to see you testify. I ordered my tinySA from them.

BC> 73,

BC> Bill KU8H

BC> bark less - wag more

BC> On 8/26/20 9:34 AM, Dragan Milivojevic wrote:
There is nothing to worry about, Aliexpress is a multi billion company,
they did not
get there via bad business practices.
Anyway I had hundreds of orders from Aliexpress, newer had any issues with


On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 06:30 AM, Dragan Milivojevic wrote:

It seems that all of the products do not have shipping options for Serbia
so that's
why the store appears empty. When I switch the country setting the listings

On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 at 12:22, Christos SV1EIA via groups.io <sv1eia=
yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
Hope that Hugen can look into it, or someone point this to Hugen and he adds the country.