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DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
I've added an entry in the forum's Wiki in the Help section, regarding the difference between Upgrade and Upload in the DfuSe utility. Users new to this utility get confused on the terminology so I created two modified DfuSedemo.exe files that have had the Upload and Upgrade terms replaced with Backup and Flash respectively. The file is located here: One of the files is a large window with bold font for users with visual issues. I attached a jpg of the changes. Both EXE's can be in the dfusedemo bin folder and run as long as the names are unique. ...Larry |
On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 12:10 PM, Larry Rothman wrote:
I've added an entry in the forum's Wiki in the Help section, regarding the difference between Upgrade and Upload in the DfuSe utility. Users new to this utility get confused on the terminology so I created two modified DfuSedemo.exe files that have had the Upload and Upgrade terms replaced with Backup and Flash respectively. =========================================== Larry, Thanks for the two wrapper files for the DfuSedemo utility. Even experienced users sometimes absent mindedly select the Upload option option when they intended to Upgrade their device. Get ready for the users who don't read instructions and try to run the executables after unzipping them to a directory other than instructed. Herb |
Yeah, I think I'll put a readme in the zip file explaining again, to save the files to the DefSeDemo bin folder.
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BTW, they aren't wrappers - I edited the text in the original DfuSe binary as an experiment to see if they were protected by a checksum, which they weren't. It was by accident that I entered an incorrect value in one spot that generated the larger, bold GUI. Good for us more mature folk.... ... Larry On Fri, 28 Aug 2020 at 5:00 PM, hwalker<herbwalker2476@...> wrote: On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 12:10 PM, Larry Rothman wrote:
I've added an entry in the forum's Wiki in the Help section, regarding the difference between Upgrade and Upload in the DfuSe utility. Users new to this utility get confused on the terminology so I created two modified DfuSedemo.exe files that have had the Upload and Upgrade terms replaced with Backup and Flash respectively. =========================================== Larry, Thanks for the two wrapper files for the DfuSedemo utility. Even experienced users sometimes absent mindedly select the Upload option option when they intended to Upgrade their device. Get ready for the users who don't read instructions and try to run the executables after unzipping them to a directory other than instructed. Herb |
No attachment. I assume it's a checksum type error?
There is nothing to install. All you need to do is replace the original exe with my modded one. On Sun., 18 Jul. 2021 at 4:10 p.m., Jack Mandelman<k1vt@...> wrote: Larry , please see attachment for an error message when trying to install your modded version. My PC is running 64bit WIN10. Thanks for any help with getting the install working. Jack |
On 18/07/2021 21:31, Larry Rothman wrote:
No attachment. I assume it's a checksum type error?There was an attachment - see: It shows STDFU.dll to be missing. David -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: Email: david-taylor@... Twitter: @gm8arv |
It appears you didn't read my instructions in the zip file.
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You need to install the ORIGINAL DfuSeDemo software and only then, swap the DfuSeDemo.exe file located in the bin folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\DfuSe v3.0.6\Bin) with the one I modified. You cannot run my modded exe by itself. On Monday, July 19, 2021, 3:21:47 a.m. EDT, David J Taylor via <david-taylor@...> wrote:
On 18/07/2021 21:31, Larry Rothman wrote: No attachment. I assume it's a checksum type error?There was an attachment - see: It shows STDFU.dll to be missing. David -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: Email: david-taylor@... Twitter: @gm8arv |
No problem - I tend to 'speed read' and miss stuff too ;-)
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There are two UI versions of the modified exe - one is normal size and one is about twice as large. I found the large UI one by accident when bit-banging the changed function names. Cheers, Larry VE3LRI On Monday, July 19, 2021, 2:37:01 p.m. EDT, Jack Mandelman <k1vt@...> wrote:
All OK now. Thanks for calling it to my attention. |
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