Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4 #nanovna-h #edy555_nanovna


I recently bought the NanoVNA-H ver 3.4 and I have upgraded the firmware to the following release ( to allow it to measure beyond 900 MHz. After installing this release however, I am still only able to measure up to 900 MHz. Is there a different release I need to be using to enable a 1500MHz stop frequency?


If you select Config/Version, what Version and Build Time is displayed?
--John Gord

On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 02:26 PM, <river@...> wrote:

I recently bought the NanoVNA-H ver 3.4 and I have upgraded the firmware to
the following release
( to allow it to
measure beyond 900 MHz. After installing this release however, I am still only
able to measure up to 900 MHz. Is there a different release I need to be using
to enable a 1500MHz stop frequency?


Hey John,

Version: 0.4.5-4-g96e7efe
Build Time: Jan 18 2020 - 23:46:29


I think you may want:

0.8.0 allows Stop Freq up to 2.7GHz. On my unit, (NanoVNA-H V3.4) it is only useful up to 2GHz or so. Up to 1.5GHz it looks pretty good.

--John Gord

On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 02:49 PM, <river@...> wrote:

Hey John,

Version: 0.4.5-4-g96e7efe
Build Time: Jan 18 2020 - 23:46:29



Just installed the firmware version you recommended, but I still am seeing a default stop frequency of 900MHz. Is there a setting I need to change so that I can measure frequencies beyond 900MHz?



On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 06:24 AM, <river@...> wrote:


Just installed the firmware version you recommended, but I still am seeing a
default stop frequency of 900MHz. Is there a setting I need to change so that
I can measure frequencies beyond 900MHz?

Enter as stop frequency more bigger value?



After playing more with the interface I now see that you can select into the STOP frequency button to manually set this. Up to this point it was using the current marker location to create a new STOP point when I would select this. My assumption was that the NanoVNA starts off the interface at the maximum readable bandwidth and then you narrow it from there. My apologies for not investigating this button further, thanks for the suggestions all!



Hey, i know its been a while, but would that firmware work for this unit? (To extend its range a bit...)
Hopefully links are fine...


Yes. It may already have the needed firmware. But note that the extended range above 900MHz has a much lower dynamic range. If you really need to do a lot of work at above 1GHz, you should consider getting one of the V2 devices or the Litevna.


If it already Has the firmware needed for tunning above 1.5GHz, that would be nice... I know the V2 or LiteVNA are better for those frequencies, but this should get me started...