A guide for absolute beginners #docs #learning #nanovna-h #newbie #tutorials


I have uploaded file in files section of this group:
Absolute Beginner's Guide to The NanoVNA.

Comments are welcomed here or to my email: 9a2jk _at_ hamradio.hr

As English is not my native language any advice regarding the language would be appreciated too.

Martin 9A2JK


Excellent English, Martin... well done for an extremely useful document.

I've only skimmed through it quickly, and the only thing that jumped out at me was misspelling Stimulus  on page 26.

Many thanks for all your work!

Mike - M0MLM

*From:* Martin J.K. [mailto:martin.svaco@...]
*Sent:* Friday, 6 November 2020, 4:41 pm
*Subject:* [nanovna-users] A guide for absolute beginners #docs #learning #nanovna-h #newbie #tutorials

I have uploaded file in files section of this group:
Absolute Beginner's Guide to The NanoVNA.

Comments are welcomed here or to my email: 9a2jk _at_ hamradio.hr

As English is not my native language any advice regarding the language would be appreciated too.

Martin 9A2JK


HI Martin,
great work! for beginners
but also for all the other users.
Many thanks
73 de Gabriele. I4JXE

Inviato dal mio telefono Huawei

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Da: "Martin J.K." <martin.svaco@...>
Data: ven 6 nov 2020, 17:41
A: nanovna-users@groups.io
Oggetto: [nanovna-users] A guide for absolute beginners #docs #learning #nanovna-h #newbie #tutorials

I have uploaded file in files section of this group:
Absolute Beginner's Guide to The NanoVNA.

Comments are welcomed here or to my email: 9a2jk _at_ hamradio.hr

As English is not my native language any advice regarding the language
would be appreciated too.

Martin 9A2JK


Martin, odličan posao, hvala.
(Great job, thank you)


On 6 Nov 2020, at 11:41, Martin J.K. <martin.svaco@...> wrote:

I have uploaded file in files section of this group:
Absolute Beginner's Guide to The NanoVNA.

Comments are welcomed here or to my email: 9a2jk _at_ hamradio.hr

As English is not my native language any advice regarding the language would be appreciated too.

Martin 9A2JK


Excellent work, Martin.
As a first work on this and in a second language to you, you did very well.
Helpful advice: You should expand the section on flashing firmware as this is an area that scares many new users. Feel free to copy sections of the document I edit for this. Also, you should add beside the "Figure 1" that it is an H or H4 with the enclosure since many users might have the open-frame type - or - you could post a small photo of each, so the users knows which model they have. Some forum members don't actually know what their model is supposed to look like according to some posts.
You also posted a photo of the SAA-2 as Figure 2 but didn't reference it anywhere. Again include the model beside the Figure caption along with a short mention that the SAA-2 has different controls AND different firmware.
As for the Firmware, the H and H4 also use different FW that is not compatible with each other even though you can flash either model with either FW version.

Also, please add CHO45's Android app to your PC/External client software list.

Finally, for any and all information you've gathered from other sources, please add a reference section at the end of the document. You could also add links to additional information such as user guides and websites that contain more helpful material for new users as well as links to the 3 or 4 main developer repositories on GitHub.

73 & Regards,
Larry    VE3LRI

On Friday, November 6, 2020, 11:41:30 a.m. EST, Martin J.K. <martin.svaco@...> wrote:

I have uploaded file in files section of this group:
Absolute Beginner's Guide to The NanoVNA.

Comments are welcomed here or to my email: 9a2jk _at_ hamradio.hr

As English is not my native language any advice regarding the language would be appreciated too.

Martin 9A2JK



I believe on page 8 with respect to blue trace (R) and green trace (X), the scale is 20 ohms “per VERTICAL division,” versus “per HORIZONTAL division.”

Thanks for you effort and contribution to our great hobby.

Ed McCann


Martin, thank you very much for the instruction manual. I’m sure it’s gonna help many people in the future. I haven’t even read, but just took a quick glance and I can tell you did a great job. 34 pages 👍

73, Noel-W2MSA



What a great, well-written, and extremely useful document!

Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to create it, and then to share it with all of us.

Take Care & 73

On 11/6/20 8:41 AM, Martin J.K. wrote:
I have uploaded file in files section of this group:
Absolute Beginner's Guide to The NanoVNA.

Comments are welcomed here or to my email: 9a2jk _at_ hamradio.hr

As English is not my native language any advice regarding the language would be appreciated too.

Martin 9A2JK


Thank you all for kind words and advice in this group and to email.
On page 8, in the text below the figure 13, should have been written
''on a scale of 20 ohms per VERTICAL division'' - thank you Ed.

The word ''CHANEL'' in figure 13 should be ''CHANNEL'' - thank you Bob.

Larry, thank you for your advice. I will try to expand the next version of the Guide.

Martin 9A2JK


Yes very well done Martin !

People always need help and info on how best to use the VNA's, especially when they are new to the VNA area, which we all are (hobby/pro's alike) to start with.


Martin your a Rockstar!

Now we need one for the TinySA


I too send you my thanks for an excellent tutorial document. Very nicely
Two simple notes to consider adding:

- The firmware gives reasonable defaults for the scale and reference line
for many use cases, so you only need to set them if you need them to be
- When you save a calibration, it also saves the display settings, so you
can easily recall the whole setup.

(I note these because the list of setup tasks for each measurement seems
long and maybe intimidating if I have to do them for every measurement -
but it's not nearly as bad as it seems.)

Stan KC7XE

On Sun, Nov 8, 2020, 4:10 AM John <ve3ips@...> wrote:

Martin your a Rockstar!

Now we need one for the TinySA


Martin can you send me this document

Sent from my Android phone with GMX Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

On 11/8/20, 02:44 "Martin J.K." <martin.svaco@...> wrote:

Thank you all for kind words and advice in this group and to email.
On page 8, in the text below the figure 13, should have been written
''on a scale of 20 ohms per VERTICAL division'' - thank you Ed.

The word ''CHANEL'' in figure 13 should be ''CHANNEL'' - thank you Bob.

Larry, thank you for your advice. I will try to expand the next version of
the Guide.

Martin 9A2JK


Fantastic job.
I have practicly every manual for the NanoVNA H that I could get my hands on to learn the NanoVNA. Not to degrade the other manuals, but yours seem to be the most useful for a old beginner like me.
Thank you and all others who help us to learn and use the NanoVNA to its fullest.
Now, we need one like yours for the NanoSA.
Again thank you.
Clyde Lambert KC7BJE


On Sun, Nov 8, 2020 at 08:23 PM, Stan Dye wrote:

Two simple notes to consider adding:

- The firmware gives reasonable defaults for the scale and reference line
for many use cases, so you only need to set them if you need them to be
- When you save a calibration, it also saves the display settings, so you
can easily recall the whole setup.

(I note these because the list of setup tasks for each measurement seems
long and maybe intimidating if I have to do them for every measurement -
but it's not nearly as bad as it seems.)

Stan KC7XE
Very good idea. I will do that. Thank you Stan.

Also I have corrected some misspelled words - thank you Mike.

Martin 9A2JK


Dear Marti,

After reading your guide, I have one word for you: it is fantastically well done, a joy to read, and enormously helpful

Well done.

And most importantly, thank you.




That was 19 words. :)


Upgraded and expanded version of the "Absolute beginner's guide to NanoVNA" v1.5
has been added to file section of this group.

A detailed chapter "The firmware upgrade" has been added.

As always I am open for any comment and recommendation.

Seasons greetings !

Martin 9A2JK