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Jim Butcher - Congratulations, Fanfic Winners! Integration
Congratulations, Fanfic Winners!By priscellie
In this week’s Dresden Drop, we celebrate the winners of the Fanfic Contest. But we have a bunch of other treats to share before the great reveal. Read on! First, a very Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate! A number of fans have sent us variants of this genius idea by VanillaStudio, and we had to share it, in honor of our favorite Jewish dino-wrangler. Behold Butters’ Hannukiah, the Menorasaurus Rex! ![]() Pod SquadNext, Jim appeared on the Mike’s Book Reviews vlog, uploaded this morning. We haven’t had the chance to listen yet, so check it out and get any scoops before we do! Gettin’ Ficcy With ItAnd now, our featured story! Inspired by Harry’s birthday on Halloween, we challenged fans to write under-1500-word microfictions about either a birthday or a holiday, and y’all delivered in the greatest possible way. Reading these stories was a treat, and we continue to marvel at the talent and creativity in every aspect of the fandom. Thanks to all who participated! Grand Prize: PsychicScubaDiver for “Hogs Wild” First Runner Up: Daniel Van Nostrand for “Easter Search” Second Runner Up: Houston Southard for “Entity, Eggs, Ennui” Honorable Mentions: Dina Navon for “First” and Eric T. Johnson for “Every Mouse Has His Day” You can read the winning stories here! Extra special thanks to our team of judges, who spent countless hours reading and evaluating *67* sensational stories. They included Andrea Gonzales, Garrett Jones, Mandie Lyons, Jordan Walker-Key, Suzanne Solomon, and Priscilla Spencer. The Grand Prize winner and two Runners Up will receive their choice of art prints from Worldbuilders. We’ll be in touch over the next week to get your preferences and your contact info! And that’s it for this week! Visit every Tuesday in 2020 for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. Still need a copy of Peace Talks, Battle Ground, or anything else by Jim? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order in print, audio, or ebook through the Store. ![]() The post Congratulations, Fanfic Winners! first appeared on Jim Butcher. |