Weather App on TSW-1050


Lets try this one, has anyone gotten the Weather App or Weather App v2 working on a TSW-1050?



works fine on my tsw-750


I've been using the weather app reliably on my TSW's (105x & 75x) for years and suddenly they are all stuck on 8 Feb.  I haven't made any changes or even restarted.  It is still working on IOS devices.  Haven't tried v2.


Actually, this was expected.  Crestron had to change service providers at the end of January.  But, it seems that everything came back with the exception of the TSW-x50 series touch panels.


Have you had any luck getting the weather to work on your TSW 105x's?

I have a client that really wants this to work on his panels. Weather seems to work fine when I connect remotely using the Crestron Go app bu he is stating the panels are an issue.


Unfortunately no, I have sent full support files to TB and have not heard back.  Still waiting to see what they can do.  It is, without a doubt, something on the 50 series TP’s.  Just have to wait for Crestron now.


From: <> On Behalf Of adks1010
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: [crestron] Weather App on TSW-1050


Have you had any luck getting the weather to work on your TSW 105x's?

I have a client that really wants this to work on his panels. Weather seems to work fine when I connect remotely using the Crestron Go app bu he is stating the panels are an issue.


Same here – when i compile it in VTPro and run it remotely as a virtual panel, weather is also displayed correctly…



Von: <> Im Auftrag von adks1010
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. März 2021 17:19
Betreff: Re: [crestron] Weather App on TSW-1050


Have you had any luck getting the weather to work on your TSW 105x's?

I have a client that really wants this to work on his panels. Weather seems to work fine when I connect remotely using the Crestron Go app bu he is stating the panels are an issue.


Also vouching for no current compatibility with the TSW-X50 panels. I have had a ticket open as well.


With the new modules, (Processor v1.6 and Interface 2.0) I get no forecast data. I think that might be an outstanding issue too.


You aren't wrong.  I was troubleshooting why the weather smart graphic had stopped working on existing iPad apps on a few jobs, when I tried to end around it with the Weather Engine, and alas, it seems to be disabled.  So it looks like, from what I am gathering, Crestron Go is no longer functioning and the Weather Engine is no longer functioning.  The only area it is still working are on xx60's and above.  Not quite sure why that is.... Oh wait....
Ryan Baldwin
CEO | XS Design Studios


To be more specific it's actually 52s and up where the weather app is working, so on all Android bases panels.
The 50s and all other Windows based Panels which supports Smart Graphics (TPMC-9/V12/V15, DGE-2, ...) have the issue.


dblpnt is correct.

BR 5025 is currently investigating / tracking "Ethernet Socket Error" messages seen on the Weather App on older Windows-based SG panels.

If you had a True Blue support case for this and it was added to BR 5025 you'll be notified as support receives updates from the SG team.


I had to visit one of my clients today, and I realize only one of all the TSW has the Weather Widget working. He have 8 of the 760 and 5 of the 1060 series. The one is working is a 760. I checked all firmware and they have the latest.

I really don't know why only one is working, and what is the difference.


Have you re-compiled them in VTPro with the latest Smart Graphics?  This should fix your issues for you.


From: <> On Behalf Of Angel Marti via
Sent: Friday, March 5, 2021 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: [crestron] Weather App on TSW-1050


I had to visit one of my clients today, and I realize only one of all the TSW has the Weather Widget working. He have 8 of the 760 and 5 of the 1060 series. The one is working is a 760. I checked all firmware and they have the latest.

I really don't know why only one is working, and what is the difference.


I also had TB tell me TSW-x50 and DGE-2 have been reported to not work with the latest SG update for the weather.


I just used the TB link to get mine up and running on TSW-550 thanks


If it were my panel I would just use a x52 image to convert the panel.