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Nanovna V2 reset
I just started plying around with the NANOVNA V2 and would like to know if there's a way to reset the nanovna to how it originally would be when I turn it on. I tried introducing an electrical delay and assumed that it wipes off after the nanovna was turned off and on again. However, When I do the calibration after turning on, the readings for open and short does not make any changes to the smith chart. I think it's something to do with the electrical delay, however I don't know if that's the case. Could someone provide me with a step-by-step process to reset the nanovna v2? Thank you, Francis |
Yes there is.
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Connect via serial, perform command: clearconfig 1234 Same as "factory defaults", you will loose all saved data including calibrations... Cheers! LL *73 de Luís, CT2FZI* *QRV @ 145.300 MHz | **CQ0VMST (VHF REP Monsanto)* <http://goog_717545661> <http://goog_717545661> On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 at 16:04, Martin J.K. <martin.svaco@...> wrote:
There is no reset. |
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