Toolbox sysinfo timing out on CP4 #cp4 #toolbox


If I leave a toolbox system info session running with the program load dialog open (inactive) for any length of time and then attempt to send a program. It will simply do nothing.
I have to refresh the connection and it will work until it breaks again due to inactivity.
Don't have this problem with CP3's.
Anyone else seeing this?


I assume that your 'forced' authentication connection is getting timed out - very annoying! (like most things lately!)

to mitigate, I was given the following console command to use (also works with 3-series and TSW with Auth ON)

SETLogoffidletime             Administrator       Set idle time allowed before current user is automatically logged off

Default is 20 min
You can set to up to 60 min, or '0' which will not automatically log you off (I generally think that this is not recommended)