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Hi, new here and looking for help. Does anyone know if the NanoVNASaver program can be used with the NanoVNA-F? If so, is it able to be used to record and export the log magnitude of the reflection coefficient and frequency as an antenna is perturbed by a conductor inside the resonant cavity? If this is possible I would greatly appreciate guidance on how to set this up. This would be tremendously helpful in an application I am helping to develop. Thanks in advance!


On 7/26/21 3:34 PM, jkelz@... wrote:
Hi, new here and looking for help. Does anyone know if the NanoVNASaver program can be used with the NanoVNA-F? If so, is it able to be used to record and export the log magnitude of the reflection coefficient and frequency as an antenna is perturbed by a conductor inside the resonant cavity? If this is possible I would greatly appreciate guidance on how to set this up. This would be tremendously helpful in an application I am helping to develop. Thanks in advance!
NanoVNA-Saver works with most of the NanoVNA variants.

Yes, you could use it to capture the .s1p files for a series of measurements. (or make plots and export them)

There's also nanovna.py which provides a command line interface to the NanoVNA (I think it would work with the -F).


Great, that is helpful. Now what we are seeing is that it is averaging the values rather than tracking and recording distinct values on the trace that we have selected on the nanoVNA. Ideally we would like the data output to be either just the frequency or the frequency and dB of the minimum of the log of the reflection coefficient.