Do I return my H4? Hima brand #buying #hardware #nanovna-h4


I purchased a "NanoVNA-H4" from Amazon in the UK. The brand is Hima, supplied by ANGLO CT. I purchased from Amazon to try to avoid delivery delays and unexpected import costs. I opened the back of the device to find there is no QR code or version no. But more significantly the mcu/processor is an STM32F 302. I understand the "302" part is a lower spec than that used by the official Hugen product.

I don't "need" the device for immediate use, so should I return it?



That is an unknown clone. I've never seen that processor in one of these before BUT that doesn't mean it won't work.
The nanoVNA only uses about 30% of the internal peripheral ability of the chip (timers/FPU/memory/etc) as many areas/functions are not needed.
I have attached a chart of the STM32F3xx family below and there are several subgroups to each product line as well. look here:
However, the final say is up to you and personally, if the ad specs an STN32F303 and you didn't get that, I would return it as 'counterfeit'.
My $0.02

On Thursday, September 16, 2021, 06:56:09 a.m. EDT, Stephen - 2E0FXZ <spmbrown@...> wrote:

I purchased a "NanoVNA-H4" from Amazon in the UK. The brand is Hima, supplied by ANGLO CT. I purchased from Amazon to try to avoid delivery delays and unexpected import costs. I opened the back of the device to find there is no QR code or version no. But more significantly the mcu/processor is an STM32F 302. I understand the "302" part is a lower spec than that used by the official Hugen product.

I don't "need" the device for immediate use, so should I return it?



Larry Rothman

Thank you for your thoughts. I was unaware that the full functionality of the MCU was not needed. Personally I take the view that if a manufacturer attempts to replicate a product in appearance, packaging, branding etc., it may be deemed a counterfeit. But as you say "that doesn't mean it won't work"


I found the functional block diagrams of both F302 and F303 series processors, if you're interested.
Again, a lot of the chip's internal functionality is not used. The F303 was originally chosen due to its ability to drive a 4 inch display which the F072 in the original design could not. The STM32F303CCT was also a pin for pin drop-in replacement for the F072 and available on an STM32 experimenter board.
More info:

Try installing DiSlord's latest H4 version of FW - 1.0.69 - on the unit, calibrate it and check out all the functions including screen brightness control and battery charge sense. I don't think you'll have any issues - but again, if new software functionality is added to the H4 in the future that depends on something that the F303 has and the F302 does not (like memory), then return it.

BTW - what's the complete processor part number, including suffix? A real H4 uses an STM32F303CCT6. If you have a GD32F303 processor, return it. With more info, I can update the forum's Wiki about this model and list any caveats associated with the device.

Your call.


Since the STM32F303CCT6 is currently difficult to order, some clones may be replaced with some inexpensive processors.
Earlier versions of the NanoVNA-H4 firmware, which allows only 101 scan points and uses relatively little RAM in order to remain compatible with the NanoVNA-H, can also run on the STM32F303C8T6 and STM32F303CBT6 as well as the STM32F302C8T6 and STM32F302CCT6.
The new firmware takes full advantage of the STM32F303CCT6 RAM and ROM with more scan points and save options with the help of DiSlord, so it can only run on the STM32F303CCT6 and STM32F302CCT6 which have larger memory.


Larry, thanks for your very detailed responses. I will try to upload two phots of the PCB of my unit (apologies for the phone camera quality). People can use them to make informed choices about their own purchases. Looks like the MCU part is STM32F302 CBT6 but very blurry print.


Hugen. Thanks for your thoughts. Your point about the demands of new firmware is important. I wish it were easier to get hold of your original product here in the UK.


Interestingly, inside KEIL, STM32F302CB and STM32F302CC use the same memory description file. So in fact STM32F302CB and STM32F302CC may use the same Die, just marked as different models when packaging. You can try to refresh the latest firmware, then save the calibration data to SAVE6, then Recall 6, if the data can be recalled normally, then STM32F302CB and STM32F302CC have the same flash.


Update. I did return the non Hugen "NanoVNA". Call them fakes, counterfeit, clones or what you will. The clone's branding and packaging is clearly intended to deceive the purchaser.
I have now received a genuine unit with the correct QR code and the specified mcu. I now realise how poor the copy was, the fit of the case, lower quality switches, screen, out of date firmware and some unmarked components of dubious origin.
Do the right thing and yourself a favour. But an original, real product.


Buy, I meant *buy* an original Hugen NanoVNA!


FYI, when you're looking at your own posting, underneath are 3 links that say

Reply Like More

If you click on the "More" link, you can choose to edit your post (and correct typing mistakes). I have had to do that a few times.
Doug, K8RFT


On 19/09/2021 12:56, DougVL wrote:
FYI, when you're looking at your own posting, underneath are 3 links that say
Reply Like More
If you click on the "More" link, you can choose to edit your post (and correct typing mistakes). I have had to do that a few times.
-- Doug, K8RFT
Although as an e-mail subscriber it can be frustrating to see a whole string of messages all but one of which say "Edited message" (or whatever it is). Of course, it's a very useful feature at times, but I would rather folk review their message /before/ posting rather than after!

(I'm as guilty as anyone at making mistakes, of course!)

David GM8ARV
SatSignal Software - Quality software for you
Email: david-taylor@...
Twitter: @gm8arv


Hi Stephen.
MY NanoVNA from Amazon arrived today and it has the "302" chip so I'll be returning it. It is branded AllAboutFun. Can you tell me the one you got from Amazon that wasn't a clone?


look at the link left side 2nd from bottom tells you who to buy from


*One new version of NanoVNA is LITE-Nano. from 50Khz to 6.3 Ghz. Two version vith different size of screen* you faund all information for it.
You can buy from one of these sellers

*Sent:* Monday, November 29, 2021 at 4:11 PM
*From:* "Alan Brown via" <va3aqb@...>
*Subject:* Re: [nanovna-users] Do I return my H4? Hima brand #buying #hardware #nanovna-h4
look at the link left side 2nd from bottom tells you who to buy from


Please do not associate the name NanoVNA with LiteVNA

Both are inexpensive  VNAs but one has nothing to do with the other.

On Monday, November 29, 2021, 12:25:42 p.m. EST, Francesco <realfran@...> wrote:

*One new version of NanoVNA is LITE-Nano. from 50Khz to 6.3 Ghz. Two version vith different size of screen* you faund all information for it.
You can buy from one of these sellers

*Sent:* Monday, November 29, 2021 at 4:11 PM
*From:* "Alan Brown via" <va3aqb@...>
*Subject:* Re: [nanovna-users] Do I return my H4? Hima brand #buying #hardware #nanovna-h4
look at the link left side 2nd from bottom tells you who to buy from


Hello, I associate the NanoVNA with the LiteVNA for the form, circuit, interface, the difference is the frequency range, the other political or commercial difference I live to other,
for me they hare people to make device for the electronics community and I appreciate all.
If you have noted more technical difference please tell the forum to give all more information.
Best regards.
G7OYO Francesco.
*Sent:* Monday, November 29, 2021 at 5:44 PM
*From:* "Larry Rothman" <nlroth@...>
*To:* "" <>
*Subject:* Re: [nanovna-users] Do I return my H4? Hima brand #buying #hardware #nanovna-h4
Please do not associate the name NanoVNA with LiteVNA

Both are inexpensive  VNAs but one has nothing to do with the other.

On Monday, November 29, 2021, 12:25:42 p.m. EST, Francesco <realfran@...> wrote:

*One new version of NanoVNA is LITE-Nano. from 50Khz to 6.3 Ghz. Two version vith different size of screen* you faund all information for it.
You can buy from one of these sellers

*Sent:* Monday, November 29, 2021 at 4:11 PM
*From:* "Alan Brown via" <va3aqb@...>
*Subject:* Re: [nanovna-users] Do I return my H4? Hima brand #buying #hardware #nanovna-h4
look at the link left side 2nd from bottom tells you who to buy from



Please do not associate the name NanoVNA with LiteVNA

Both are inexpensive  VNAs but one has nothing to do with the other.
What distinction are you making? The LiteVNA has only just appeared so information is a little scarce, but it appears to be another nanovna variant. Do you have reason to believe that it's not?

- Roland


It's a totally different beast. Completely different design,PCB,machined housing., Etc. 
The only thing in common are that it's a VNA and it's relatively inexpensive. 
Litevna is a trademarked name as is nanovna. 
They're not related

On Mon., 29 Nov. 2021 at 8:50 p.m., Roland Turner via<roland@...> wrote: Larry,

Please do not associate the name NanoVNA with LiteVNA

Both are inexpensive  VNAs but one has nothing to do with the other.
What distinction are you making? The LiteVNA has only just appeared so
information is a little scarce, but it appears to be another nanovna
variant. Do you have reason to believe that it's not?

- Roland


machined housing?
LiteVNA has the same plastic case as Nano, judging by the images.
Were you thinking of LibreVNA?

On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 at 03:45, Larry Rothman <nlroth@...> wrote:

It's a totally different beast. Completely different design,PCB,machined
housing., Etc.
The only thing in common are that it's a VNA and it's relatively
Litevna is a trademarked name as is nanovna.
They're not related

On Mon., 29 Nov. 2021 at 8:50 p.m., Roland Turner via<roland=> wrote: Larry,

Please do not associate the name NanoVNA with LiteVNA

Both are inexpensive VNAs but one has nothing to do with the other.
What distinction are you making? The LiteVNA has only just appeared so
information is a little scarce, but it appears to be another nanovna
variant. Do you have reason to believe that it's not?

- Roland