RMC4, VS2008 and debugging. #cp4 #rmc4 #simplsharppro


I have a program written in SimplSharpPro that works fine on a RMC3 and I am able to debug (single step) with VS2008 no problem.

I'm now trying the same program on a RMC4 and can't get VS2008 to connect and get debug info from the RMC4.

VS2008 tells me "Unable to retrieve application debug status"

The RMC3 console command "SSDEBUGENABLE ON" does not seem to work on the RMC4.
Firmware is the latest right now: 2.6000.00026

What do I have to do to enable debugging on the RMC4 with VS2008?


Your best option (and only option as far as I am aware) is to change the program over to C# and VS2019 for any 4 series controllers.


Well it is written in C#, just in VS2008.  Crestron's web site (haven't gotten an answer from their support yet) sas VS2008 can be used for Series 3 and Series 4 processors.
I was hoping not t have to re-do the app in VS2019 at this point.


The majority of S# drivers I've written have all been developed in VS2008.  I haven't had any problems running them on a 4 series.  That being said, when it comes to debugging, CrestronConsole.PrintLine is my friend and I have seen random problems where the output of Printline statements don't show up in SimplDebugger in toolbox.  However, if I open a text console window in parallel with SimplDebugger all the text messages properly show up in the text console window. 

More recently I have developed a bunch of drivers for CH that I haven't released yet on my GitHub.  Those have been developed using VS2019. 

Hope this helps


On 10/20/2021 4:03 PM, rkolesar via groups.io wrote:

Well it is written in C#, just in VS2008.  Crestron's web site (haven't gotten an answer from their support yet) sas VS2008 can be used for Series 3 and Series 4 processors.
I was hoping not t have to re-do the app in VS2019 at this point.


Thanks Jay.  I've also noticed the difference between text console output vs logging in with Putty and use Putty exclusively. 
Also I've learned to use CrestronConsole.Printline as a helper in seeing what is going on.
But there are times where there's nothing like single stepping through a program to track down something that isn't working the way I'd hoped.
This works flawlessly in the VS2008 + Series 3 processor but I would like to know if anyone has any pointers on VS2008 + Series 4 processors as far as attaching the debugger and single stepping through code on a series 4 processor.
I did try, without success, the commands to set up debugging outlined in the VS2019 + Series 4 online help article and came to the conclusion they are only for VS2019 because I got the same error message from VS2008 that VS2008 can't retrieve program info from the processor.


On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 04:03 PM, <rkolesar@...> wrote:
Well it is written in C#, just in VS2008.  Crestron's web site (haven't gotten an answer from their support yet) sas VS2008 can be used for Series 3 and Series 4 processors.
I was hoping not t have to re-do the app in VS2019 at this point.
True - but you're missing the context, and not considering that the debugging is a feature of the IDE for the most part. Development for 3-series and 4-series can be done with VS 2008, and debugging is a separate topic. If you're debugging a for Mono, VS 2008 does not support this.
Crestron Service Provider - TBD Enterprises Inc.


Yes. Creston did say that due to the different chipset and OS in the Series 4 processors, VS2008 won't connect for debugging (single stepping through a program).