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When I do a CAL the results are saved, for my use I save it in 3. So if turn it on later I can recall 3, and the CAL settings will be set up once again. But after doing the CAL and saving I set up a smith chart and a phase diagram as well as a start and stop freq. I would like to open up this VNA and go right back to this same configuration as I used the time before. So far I have not found out how to do so. The user manual makes it sound like, when I save a set up, I can latter recall this same setup, and save a lot of re-configuring the parameters that I set up before. How do I do this?
syd/wt1v |
Do the save the same way as you do for the cal, but after you set all of
the other desired options. On Sat, Nov 6, 2021, 8:50 PM Syd via <nhuq1@...> wrote: When I do a CAL the results are saved, for my use I save it in 3. So if |
No. As mentioned earlier, save the display setups using the save in the calibration menu.
On Sun., 7 Nov. 2021 at 1:01 a.m., Syd via<nhuq1@...> wrote: So if I did a CAL save to 3, and then set up the displays, freqs, etc and then did a Config -> Save I should then be able do a recall 3 upon the next start up and get back to where I was in the previous session? syd/wt1v |
As I have it, (and please point out where I'm wrong):
Config-Save stores Touch Screen Cal, Grid Color, Trace Color, and Flip Display. Calibrate-Save stores Calibration, Frequency Range, Sweep points, Error Correction, Trace Settings, Marker Settings, Domain Mode Settings, Electrical Delay, . Reset removes current calibration Reset All removes current calibration and all the other settings stored via a Calibration-Save. |
Andrew Kurtz
In other words, set up the display functions you want, then calibrate and save. Also, the 101, 201, or 401 is how many frequencies and thus data points the nano will measure.
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On Nov 7, 2021, at 7:10 AM, Larry Rothman <nlroth@...> wrote: |
Sounds about right to me.
On Sun., 7 Nov. 2021 at 8:20 a.m., Lou W7HV via<louandzip@...> wrote: As I have it, (and please point out where I'm wrong): Config-Save stores Touch Screen Cal, Grid Color, Trace Color, and Flip Display. Calibrate-Save stores Calibration, Frequency Range, Sweep points, Error Correction, Trace Settings, Marker Settings, Domain Mode Settings, Electrical Delay, . Reset removes current calibration Reset All removes current calibration and all the other settings stored via a Calibration-Save. |
Maybe, as the primary beneficiary, compile and edit everything into a succinct but complete, How To, and offer it to Don. He can create uniform Titles, and make it into a useful How-To ___ File for others.
A bit of work, but you are very recently refreshed on the topic. This fresh point of view will be an advantage to new listeners. Experienced folks lean on short speak, unintentionally, and de-emphasize what is meaningful to your newer appreciation of the topic. Questions will still come, but their coming up to speed will be enhanced. BillSF9c |
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