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Hi Alan,
Might as well get an H4. Bigger screen, SD slot, slightly better specs than the 2.8 inch units. Banggood has been shipping to Toronto in under 3 weeks lately and they're selling the H4 for just under $90. It will be worth it. Going for a $40-60 device will probably get you a noname clone. Black Friday is in a week, wait to see what the Nanos are selling for, then. My 0.02 LarryVE3LRI On Fri., 19 Nov. 2021 at 9:50 p.m., Alan Brown via<va3aqb@...> wrote: I have just broken my VNA, stood on it, look for a $40-$60 ones. Ones to stay away from. I appreciate your time. 73 Alan VE3AQB |
Is this the model?
[US$69.99 33% OFF]NanoVNA-H4 4" LCD 50KHz~1.5GHz VNA HF VHF UHF UV Vector Network Analyzer Measurement & Analysis Instruments from Tools on banggood |
Maybe not!
It doesn’t show the Micro-SD card socket installed! Mine did about a year ago. From: Alan Brown via<mailto:va3aqb@...> Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2021 8:26 PM To:<> Subject: Re: [nanovna-users] #buying Is this the model? [US$69.99 33% OFF]NanoVNA-H4 4" LCD 50KHz~1.5GHz VNA HF VHF UHF UV Vector Network Analyzer Measurement & Analysis Instruments from Tools on banggood |
Buy at authorized sellers listed at
On Sun, 21 Nov 2021 at 02:26, Alan Brown via <va3aqb=> wrote: Is this the model? |
For $10 more you can get the SAA-2N, which has more-rugged type N connectors, goes to 3 GHz and has a sturdy steel case with pushbuttons instead of the push/jog switch. It comes with nice (rugged type N) calibration standards and a pair of fairly nice flexible N-male cables. |
I've had no issues with buying equipment from Banggood, with roughly 2 week shipping to Toronto. The SD slot may or may not be populated on the board but the pads are there. I installed my own SD card socket on my unit. I looked at R&L in Ohio. They sell the HE for $90US plus $30US for shipping to Canada ($150CAD) which I thought was exorbitant, so I ordered from BG and I'm very happy with what I have. ... Larry On Sat., 20 Nov. 2021 at 8:26 p.m., Alan Brown via<va3aqb@...> wrote: Is this the model? [US$69.99 33% OFF]NanoVNA-H4 4" LCD 50KHz~1.5GHz VNA HF VHF UHF UV Vector Network Analyzer Measurement & Analysis Instruments from Tools on banggood |
When you buy "clones" you never know what you get.
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The first nano that I got, had completely wrong components around the frontend and mixers. After I replaced those with proper ones, there was not much difference from the Hugen made ones, so there is some value in buying the clones, if you are able to verify and correct the mistakes. On Sun, 21 Nov 2021 at 18:54, Larry Rothman <nlroth@...> wrote:
Alan, |
If I may add my 5 cents worth here...
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I have made many purchases from Banggood and AliExpress, if my purchase is of mundane items, like connectors and such, I know that I am not going to receive MilSpec items but they will be "good enough" for my use. I have purchased some higher price items such as the Tinysa and the NanoVNA-F but I buy from the official store as suggested by the group Wiki page. I find the trick to purchasing from China is to read the ad, ask yourself pertinent questions, check the specs listed in the ad and above all, do not read into the ad what isn't there. One of the things that bug me is a seller will advertise a high priced item for what is a good deal, show the picture of that high end item in the lead-in ad and when you click on it the real ad shows the high end item yet the description is for a lower end item, there are obviously different rules for doing business in China than the rest of the world. I even suspect that when an oscilloscope from a Chinese manufacturer with a $500 price tag is offered at say $375 by an independent seller is actually a quality department reject yet proforms good enough for someone like a student or hobbyist So I guess it comes down to caveat emptor, buyer beware. John VE7KKQ On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 9:54 AM Larry Rothman <nlroth@...> wrote:
Alan, |
Okay, so - you checked it out and????
Did it come with the SD card slot? What version of firmware? Did you open the housing to inspect the board? On Sun., 21 Nov. 2021 at 6:28 p.m., Barry VE3KAX<robinsonbarry@...> wrote: I just purchased the -H4 from Banggood and to my surprise, it arrived at my door 5 days later (Ontario, Canada). My wife let me check it out just to make sure it's the real deal and then took it away for the Christmas wrap.... guess what she's getting me for Christmas? |
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