Request Help Button #cp4


Hey Guys,

In our boardroom we have a UC-ENGINE with the TSW-1070 screen running in Teams mode. I have a request to be able to have a button available in the room controls to be able to request technical support. 
Not sure where to start with this. I found a "Send E-Mail" module in SIMPL but looks to be fairly old and not working. 

Any ideas on how to achieve this? I really just need it to be able to send an email, from there we can have it go to a teams channel or trigger an alarm on pager duty etc...


Take a look here.

Newer # version with instructions.


So here is what I found that would work better. I made a webhook into our Microsoft Teams channel that will accept a powershell command to send data to the teams channel.

The powershell script is as follows:
Invoke-RestMethod -Method post -ContentType 'Application/Json' -Body '{"text":"This is a test of the emergency broadcast system for DeVry Greenhouses Boardroom North - No action is required."}' -Uri <URL HERE>

Is there a way to do this with Crestron? Im fairly new to SIMPL so it would be great to do it in SIMPL or SIMPL+ as I have ZERO experience with SIMPL/C#



You can do a page flip on the "X series" (in both teams and zoom mode) that supports a single VTP custom page of which you can add a buttons or some room controls. It's not quite as intuitive from GUI point of view as it's more a losenge over the teams interface which is not immediately obvious. This can then pull a help request to fusion / send an email / alert on a DGE or other control system in your support office. If you are not set against having a button panel as well as your UC that might be easier for guests to use