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Закрито Липкий [MOD] install-rtlsdr.bat but with Keenerds RTL-SDR Driver and a more recent Zadig version
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From: melerix@...
Sent: Wednesday, 4 May, 2022 22:39 To: Subject: [airspy] [MOD] install-rtlsdr.bat but with Keenerds RTL-SDR Driver and a more recent Zadig version
Usage: just extract it in SDR# folder replacing the older file and run it as always. Attachments: |
You can find Osmocom rtl-sdr "daily builds" at:
There are 32 bit and 64 bit builds. 1) As far as I know we must use 32bit with sdr# even on a 64bit sysop -- anyone can confirm my assumption? 2) Apart the mantra "the newest the best"... anyone knows of a "change log" for those builds? Cheers gio' |
There is little point to making the switch. In order
to use special features the program using it must change to use
new API entry points. About the only worthwhile change in past
years has been slightly better arithmetic for setting the
frequency synthesizers' frequencies based on the requested
frequency. That was before 2014.
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{^_^} On 20220506 04:58:07, iu1mrd@...
You can find Osmocom rtl-sdr "daily builds" at: |
There is a very clean solution. Fix libusb. As it
stands all you can do is play a game selecting which bugs you can
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{o.p} On 20220506 11:46:15, prog wrote:
On Fri, May 6, 2022 at 08:36 PM, <melerix@...> wrote: |
Haven't used SDR# on the regular in a long time, it was my favorite, as it was with many. Put this Keenerds version of of the .dll in a sdrsharp-v1858 folder this morning. Surfed around the spectrum, none of the usually hanging up(no having to stop/start) no freezing on exiting. Been running frequency scanner for a few hrs on Airband no hang-ups, able to stop the scanner, tune over to 2m band, tune over to broadcast FM, start scanning airband again with no hang up.
Only plug-ins used are Freqman & frequency scanner. Gives me hope to utilize some of the other plug-ins |
After using the batch file I still can't get SDR# to work stable, because it freezes, disappears when started or disappears after a short use.
Scanner plugin wants to start but ends in a freeze and shuts down (disappears).
Freqman (TheWraith 2008) is the plugin I need, and I want it showing up in the right side of the screen.
The original FrequencyManager is a kind of copy of the TheWraith version, but it has a small item list and is not my cup of tea with many thousands of entrys in my list.
CPU: i5, HDD: SSD RAM:8GB (Toshiba satellite)
RTL-USB (blue DVB-T stick).
After beiing a big fan of SDR#, I use it less because basically it's not stable anymore.
Also problems with Ryzen computers, many (old) versions do start up, but no sound at all and sometimes it won't start at all.
All problems here occurred on many different computers after the changes in the 1700 and 1800 series.
Not all changes are working out fine, I hope sincerely hope that there comes a time that the program gets better.
Before someone says: why do you use these plugins I can tell that you the naked/basic version has the same problems.
If someone has a stable version, please zip it and direct mail me the version so I can test it. Thanks in advance.. |
On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 07:37 PM, <e_wijkamp@...> wrote:
For optimal performance use an Airspy. No effort is spent on any other hardware. Don't expect people to work for free to fix obsolete drivers for hardware that is not theirs. |
You can find Osmocom rtl-sdr "daily builds" at: Yes, I can confirm this using the actual build 2022-07-17. 2) There is a kind of "change log" here: ... but mostly it says "unchanged". |
1) The DLL type must agree with the application type. SDRSharp is 32 bits. 2) There are several that consider themselves the best. For a beginner stick with the one used when building SDRSharp.
On 20220720 00:19:32, Dirk wrote:
You can find Osmocom rtl-sdr "daily builds" at: Yes, I can confirm this using the actual build 2022-07-17. |
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