NVX Crashing Processor #cp4 #nvx #cp3


Working on a deployment with 100+ NVX devices on a single domain, NVX Director, Extreme Switches in star topology, and a Pro3. Had an issue where the processor was crashing after a reboot. 

Solved the issue, but in case anyone else runs into this problem, check out the following Crestron support article https://support.crestron.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1000315

It was really great that in multiple calls with True Blue, this was never mentioned. Just happened to find it on our own. 

Hope this helps somebody else.

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Were you using the control subnet of the PRO3?


Yeah. Using the control subnet to hand out DHCP to all the cards. Single VLAN. 

Yes, that is an important article. When troubleshooting it's often helpful to start at the device's Answer Index. https://support.crestron.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1001202 

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