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Series 4 S# Secure WebSocket Server
Cameron Bowman
Question up front: Am I taking the right approach? If so, what am I missing?
I'm working a project for a customer who wants a SIMPL# application that, among other things, reads and writes flat files from/to the NVRAM and also provides a UI based on those files. The target equipment is any physical Series 4 processor. I'm testing on a CP4N, and occasionally on a VC4 when needed. I've tried a few approaches, and while i'm not married to the approach I'm trying now, it's the closest I've gotten. My guardrails are that the loaded program must be in SIMPL#, and the UI must be accessible from a browser on the local network. I had little luck with the CH5 libraries, but I'm not opposed to stripping out the javascript calls to send/recieve signals, if that really is the best approach. Even then, I would still need a websocket server running on the controller, and I don't see any gain in repurposing those calls. The approach I've taken on the UI side is to host a Blazor Web Assembly application as the front end running out the the HTML directory of the controller. That's all running quite smoothly and with little fuss. I'm attempting to communicate with a SIMPL# program running on a program slot via a WebSocket Client/Server connection. The purpose of that connection is to send file data back and forth while the program handles reading/writing files and changes. I've relied heavily on Kiel Lofstrand's blog for the majority of this Some things I've found out:
To recap the question up top: Am I taking the wrong path here? If not any guidance would be greatly appreciated. |
Cameron Bowman
Somehow I missed that. I'll try without SSL and if that works like it should (or I'm using it correctly), I'll see about getting the license. I also ran across Neil Colvin's SSharpWebSocketLibrary (a mono port of sta's WebSocketSharp). I'm keen to give that a shot but haven't figured out how to build it yet. If anyone has info on building any of Neil's ports I'm all ears. |
Cameron Bowman
Quick question up top: Anyone have any success registering a websocket cert and having a secure websocket connection pick it up and provide it?
All, Thought I'd circle back around and throw out an update, might help some folks. Originally I figured most C# libraries should work on Series 4 processors, then I thought my failures with WebSocketSharp indicated that I was wrong. This is not so, I do have WebSocketSharp working now, just not with SSL. For whatever reason, my processor isn't finding and using my websocket cert, and my client was rejecting the cert, failing the connection attempt before websocket protocol upgrade. Switching to an insecure connection and it works pretty smoothly. What I found with the CrestronWebSocketServer: There's probably a good reason this isn't documented anywhere. I'd almost bet that it slipped into the chm by mistake. It was really unstable and kept crashing the program and often the processor on client disconnect. It's still possible I was doing something wrong with it, but I sure didn't find anything to indicate that. |
Cameron Bowman
That was my first instinct as well, but I'd been grasping at straws and wasn't 100% sure about staying away from anything Series-3, or even necessary what was specifically Series 3 compatible (I don't have much experience with Crestron at all). I'm still not clear on which libraries are specifically built for Series 3 use, what has non-native alternatives, or what sorts of gaps and pitfalls I might have in finding suitable solutions. |
It's very easy to determine which libraries are built for 3-series compatibility because there's only around a dozen of them in total and they're the only DLL's that you can use on 3-series with the sandbox limitations. Every other library that works on 3-series is derived from those libraries in some way, unless the sandbox is circumvented.
-- Crestron Service Provider - TBD Enterprises Inc.
Cameron Bowman
I'm going to correct my previous assertion that I got an insecure websocket working. The Content Security Policy of the controller web server won't allow the ws: protocol, only the wss: |
If by a cert, yes. I have gotten a self-signed to work. Not one issued through a cert authority (but still on my todo list) If you were a part of the discord server you'd probably have seen the demo.
SecureWss/SecureWss at master · JayLiaProgramming/SecureWss ( |
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