S#Pro Error Log #simplsharppro #cp4



I have some errors in a program that i cannot explain.  I did find a reference here from last year that this may be a known issue but thought I would ask in case.

Program is all in S#Pro on a CP4N with VS2019.

431. Error: CEUDaemon # 2022-06-28 04:56:55 # RQIF_IssueGetCommand - Token = 17
432. Error: CEUDaemon # 2022-06-28 04:56:55 # RQIF_IssueGetCommand Message Queue Error - ERROR_TIMEOUT
433. Ok: RouterTransportProcess # 2022-06-28 04:56:55 # Timeout waiting for response to last message sent
434. Ok: RouterTransportProcess # 2022-06-28 04:56:55 # ClearPendingMessage (GET LAN_DOMAIN)
435. Ok: a_console # 2022-06-28 04:56:59 # CEU_RtrSendRecvMsgWithRetry: 'No such file or directory' Clearing the Lingering Buffer from Socket Stream 7
436. Ok: a_console # 2022-06-28 05:21:21 # CEU_RtrSendRecvMsgWithRetry: 'Resource temporarily unavailable' receiving response from CEU Router Server on socket 7
437. Ok: a_console # 2022-06-28 05:21:28 # CEU_RtrSendRecvMsgWithRetry: 'No such file or directory' Clearing the Lingering Buffer from Socket Stream 7
438. Ok: a_console # 2022-06-28 05:34:27 # CEU_RtrSendRecvMsgWithRetry: 'Resource temporarily unavailable' receiving response from CEU Router Server on socket 7
439. Ok: a_console # 2022-06-28 05:34:34 # CEU_RtrSendRecvMsgWithRetry: 'No such file or directory' Clearing the Lingering Buffer from Socket Stream 7
440. Ok: a_console # 2022-06-28 05:46:49 # CEU_RtrSendRecvMsgWithRetry: 'Resource temporarily unavailable' receiving response from CEU Router Server on socket 7
441. Ok: a_console # 2022-06-28 05:46:56 # CEU_RtrSendRecvMsgWithRetry: 'No such file or directory' Clearing the Lingering Buffer from Socket Stream 7

this pattern seems to repeat often. 90% of error log is the 'No such file or directory' Clearing the Lingering Buffer from Socket error.
any help would be great.


You ever find the cause of this. Having same issue.


I’m also struggling with this on a CP4N and it’s crashing the router