NanoVNA -H #nanovna-h

Rob Greaves

Can anyone tell me the latest version of firmware and link please. Totally confused so far. Thanks


Hi Rob,

DiSlord supports the NanoVNA-H (and other devices) actively:



You may find it helpful to read "The absolute beginner's guide" which can
be found in the files section of this group. It has very good basic
information and details on firmware update procedures.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2022, 11:56 AM Ho-Ro <homuth-rosemann@...> wrote:

Hi Rob,

DiSlord supports the NanoVNA-H (and other devices) actively:


Rob Greaves

Thank you for speedy reply. I am a complete novice in this area. I bought it to check my antenna. I usually update my devices if needed first. I am at a loss to understand all the / parameters etc and choose the correct one. I do understand the update process and have it working via my Windows 10 pc.. thanks one again.

Rob Greaves

Thanks. Downloaded and having a good read. Regards Rob aka G4ZEO