Artefacts when capturing the screen #consolecommands #firmware #nanovna-h


The screen capture shows artefacts at the bottom of the image in the far right column. This is independent of the respective device and the recording program used; tinySA also shows the same artefacts. NanoVNA version 1.2.15, the issue existed also with versions 1.0.64 and 1.1.x, also latest tinySA version.

see also

Another user's tinySA also shows this, so it is obviously a systematic problem.



I think this related to LCD driver, on screen capture i read LCD memory and send to CPU (you can see it also on Nano or Tiny LCD at right bottom)

Artefact present on all LCD displays based on ILI9341 driver
On LiteVNA and st7789 LCD driver no visible artefacts.


On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 08:01 PM, DiSlord wrote:

(you can see it also on Nano or Tiny LCD at right bottom)
Strange, my LCD screens of nano and tiny do not show any artefacts, only the captured data on PC. But it's only a minimal issue in any case.


On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 09:59 PM, Ho-Ro wrote:

my LCD screens of nano and tiny do not show any artefacts

Correction: My tinySA shows it on the "VERSION" screen, while the NanoVNA does not.
But this is also more a topic deep in the HW/FW - we should discuss this on GitHub.
Are you still using your repo because there has been no traffic for a long time? Where can we follow your good work?
