SOS! LG Screens not responding to crestron connected when off. #crestron #lg #crestronconnected


Hi All

I've been in and out of site for the last two weeks trying to resolve this issue. I have 8 LG Professional Displays (ur640s to be more precise) I literally just need to switch them on and off driven by an occupancy sensor. I've used a Crestron connected - it see to be working fine - except it isn't. If the screen is switched off by remote, the NIC shuts down completely and I lose connectivity to the screen which obviously means I can't switch it back on. 

Here's what i've done so far in an effort to get this to work:

1.) I've tried using a certified driver, however this just tells me "connected" but I cannot actually control the screen.

2.) I've gone on the application market and found an ethernet module - This does not compile

3.) I've asked LG for help and they send me a "Magic packet" which is basically the screens MAC address 16X preceded by hex "FF:FF:FF...." - I send this through UDP on crestron port 7 & 9 as well as a few desktop applications, this doesn't work.

also please take note

I cannot use serial. 

Thank you.. 


It’s been a little while (and they were in a different hemisphere) since I’ve seen a LG display in a project so this is a little blind…


When you say the NIC shuts down completely is it dropping link? (if you look at the switch do you still have link lights?) if so WOL definitely won’t help you but there may be power saving settings in the menu that can be disabled or made less aggressive


If the link is staying up, when you are sending the WOL magic packet…are you sending it from a processor with a Control Subnet port? If so is the display on the LAN side or CS side? What IP address are you targeting the WOL packet at? There are at least three options – e.g. the display IP, the global broadcast address ( or a subnet broadcast address (typically last octet is .255, e.g. for the broadcast address would be depending on where the display is on the network relative to the processor and network configuration some or all of these may or may not work.





Lincoln King-Cliby

Commercial Market Director
Sr. Systems Architect | Crestron Certified Master Programmer (Diamond)
ControlWorks Consulting, LLC
Direct: (+1)440.771.4807 | Cleveland: (+1)440.449.1100  | Boston: (+1)508.695.0188 | DC: (+1)202.381.9070 
Crestron Services Provider | Biamp Authorized Independent Programmers | Extron Qualified Independent Programmer


From: <> On Behalf Of Tshiamo Mapodile
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2022 7:20 AM
Subject: [crestron] SOS! LG Screens not responding to crestron connected when off. #crestron #crestron #LG #CrestronConnected


Hi All

I've been in and out of site for the last two weeks trying to resolve this issue. I have 8 LG Professional Displays (ur640s to be more precise) I literally just need to switch them on and off driven by an occupancy sensor. I've used a Crestron connected - it see to be working fine - except it isn't. If the screen is switched off by remote, the NIC shuts down completely and I lose connectivity to the screen which obviously means I can't switch it back on. 

Here's what i've done so far in an effort to get this to work:

1.) I've tried using a certified driver, however this just tells me "connected" but I cannot actually control the screen.

2.) I've gone on the application market and found an ethernet module - This does not compile

3.) I've asked LG for help and they send me a "Magic packet" which is basically the screens MAC address 16X preceded by hex "FF:FF:FF...." - I send this through UDP on crestron port 7 & 9 as well as a few desktop applications, this doesn't work.

also please take note

I cannot use serial. 

Thank you.. 


Think there's a setting for network standby that needs to be switched on before WoL will work.
The "magic packet" works better if send, at least, 3 times.

One of the screens we had would not work for control until the firmware was updated, this needed a USB connected with the file on and then loaded from a special engineering menu.
I don't think it's the same model as yours though as this was 3 years ago.

I've got some info when working with an LG tech a few years ago that may help;


I gave up using LG screens with IP for this very reason. 

From memory, the crestron connected module only turns off the lcd panel when the power off command is sent.  It's more of a screen mute or a soft off rather than a power off.  This way the panel can be turned back on quite easily.  But when there is a power failure or a remote control is used to turn it off, then the crestron module stops working. The only way to turn the screen back on is via WOL.  There are setting in the installer menu in the screen to enable this functionality of WOL.  But this has never been 100% reliable for me.   

I actually found that even though most of the time I could get the screen back on via a magic packet, half the time the crestron connected module would never reconnect with the screen until a power cycle of the processor.  Admittedly this was about 4 years ago so maybe things have improved since then but I wouldn't know as since then we dont/won't use them. 


I successfully use these with Crestron Connected and a magic packet.

I have a bunch of them and zero issues. if the TV is shutdown with CC, the power on is instantaneous, if the TV was shutdown by the remote or a power failure, it takes around 4-5 seconds for it to turn back on but fortunately is seldom occurs. Just make sure you have the menus setup correctly and enable the WOL feature.

Really, I have no problem with those TVs after implementing that simple workaround.

Oh, yes, send that packet on UDP port 7 at

I have a little module I can share if you want.
