Upgrade NanoVNA-H #nanovna-h


Hitting the sweep button gets me an error "Failed reading data 0 10 times". My firmware NanoVNA-H v1.1.0 maybe is out of date. I am using 2.8" SeeSii NanoVNA. I am pointed here for updates
https://github.com/ttrftech/NanoVNA but I am conflicted with different information found on the web.
I find some examples of using DfuSe_Demo_V3.0.6_Setup.exe but cannot locate the .DFU file necessary.
Then I read there is perhaps an easier way to flash firmware. Maybe I am barking up the wrong tree.

I would appreciate a hand updating my NanoVNA. Kind regards.


Disregard, i found the Beginners guide v1.6 pdf and it answered my questions.


On Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 05:27 AM, buck (eizner23) wrote:

I am using 2.8" SeeSii
NanoVNA. I am pointed here for updates
https://github.com/ttrftech/NanoVNA but I am conflicted with different
information found on the web.
This is the wrong location for firmware updates. Download the latest -H SI dfu version from this site.
