Amateur Contact Log 7.0.7 Now Available, WFD Reminder, VOTA and More!


Hi All,

Kimberly, Chris and I have several announcements for you!

Amateur Contact Log 7.0.7 is Now Available!

AC Log 7.0.7 includes the following enhancements:

- Added 10 memory fields to the Frequency Change form (Ctrl + F)
- Option to silently detect and download AD1C country list updates (File > Download Country Files from AD1C > Ask Before Download)
- Upgraded behavior of Watch List alert form (clears automatically, continued access to main form, click Go to tune to spot)
- Detects POTA in user customized settings file name and offers to properly configure Other field titles automatically, if necessary
- Links added to WXWarn and Amateur Exam Study Buddy from AC Log's View menu
- ADIF satellite tags (SAT_NAME and PROP_MODE) on LoTW download, filling fields in AC Log if they are currently empty

As always, upgrades are free to registered users. If you are currently running a version of our software released after January 2021, AC Log should detect the new upgrade and offer to retrieve it for you on start. If you have any problem with the automatic upgrade, or you are running an older version, you can follow these AC Log upgrade steps:

Please be sure to use Winter Field Day version 2.8.5 next weekend!

Winter Field Day is next weekend!  Please be sure to upgrade to version 2.8.5 of our Winter Field Day software in advance, so that you can log the new Canadian section abbreviations and latest rule changes.  There are several Canadian section abbreviation changes effective January 1, 2023 and you won't be able to log these abbreviations or the newly allowed categories for this year unless you upgrade.

As always, upgrades are free to registered users. If you are currently running a version of our software released after January 2021 and are Internet connected, it should detect the new upgrade and offer to retrieve it for you on start. If you have any problem with the automatic upgrade, or you are running an older version, you can install the latest version directly from the web site.

Additional Amateur Exam Study Buddy Enhancements Now Available!

Since releasing Amateur Exam Study Buddy last month, we've received lots of enthusiastic encouragement and great suggestions!  We've incorporated as many of your enhancement ideas as possible into the latest version, including:

- Added graphics for questions as referenced
- Exam mode for simulated exams
- Ability to retry missed questions
- Ability to select responses by keyboard

Amateur Exam Study Buddy is free,  there is nothing to download, it is operating system agnostic, will run entirely in your browser and will even work on your phone!  Use Chrome or Firefox for best results.  Whether you want to upgrade your own license or help a prospective ham along, you will find Amateur Exam Study Buddy here:

Contest Program Updates Now Available!

The following contest program updates are now available:

All Asia DX 2.2.4 - corrected Cabrillo output format
West Virginia (in state 3.3.4 and out of state 3.3.4) - point value QSO rule change
New Mexico (in state 2.2.4and out of state 2.1.4) - contest exchange change where RST replaces name

These upgrades are free!  Just use the same upgrade procedure as detailed in the Winter Field Day section above.

ARRL Volunteers on the Air (VOTA)!

There's been lots of excitement for ARRL's 2023 year long VOTA event!  If you remember the ARRL Centennial in 2014 on which VOTA is structured, you know why!  If you are new to Amateur Radio since 2014, you are in for a treat!  Following the 2014 Centennial, I had multiple folks tell me that was the most fun year in Amateur Radio that they ever had!  I loved it too!

Like the early days of the Centennial, many folks have been wondering if we will write a separate program for VOTA, but since ARRL tracks everything on line based on LoTW uploads, Amateur Contact Log works perfectly as is and will do everything we need!

For folks operating W1AW/X, we put together a FAQ page that will answer all of your common questions here:

For the rest of us, just keeping making lots of QSOs, whether casual or contest and then uploading to LoTW with Amateur Contact Log!  ARRL will create the leaderboard and do all the heavy lifting behind the scenes to track our progress for us!  More details on VOTA are here:

For help in finding VOTA points in 2023, one of our local NEMARC club members, Fred, W3FR, manually compiled an AC Log WatchList.txt file with all of the ARRL officers listed on pages 15 and 16 of the January QST magazine.  If you wish to download the VOTA Watchlist file, please visit:

And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements...    

Package Upgrade Information...   

If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance.   

N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications, as well as our WX Warn weather software and Amateur Exam Study Buddy!  In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind.  Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life!  You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: 

Donations are Gratefully Accepted! 

And in response to the often asked question, for which Kimberly, Chris and I are very grateful...  

"I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?"   

Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page:  

or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to:  

G. Scott Davis
118 Glenwood Road
Bel Air, MD 21014-5533  

Thank you so much for your continued support!  


As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly, Chris and I really appreciate it!  We hope that you continue to have a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and wonderful holiday season!!!

73, Scott, Kimberly and Chris


Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997.
1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...

p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... 

If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list, or you would like to change your e-mail, please see this FAQ here for all the steps:


1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...