Very compressed SWR scale #nanovna-h - Murphy #nanovna-h


Murphy is a ham also…. However he gets on the air and into my set very sporadically. Usually similar to the trouble shooting suggestions in the latest Ham Radio Workbench podcast. Remember to check the obvious. Don’t assume anything. Even PL 259s and Anderson power connectors need exercising every so often to clean off the oxide and other stuff that electrons seem to attract. So opening up a 50 ohm standard on your Nano doesn’t surprise me at all. 62 years in this hobby and still finding Murphy in my shack. All the ham radio license tests should have a Murphy question.

When I had teenagers in the shack I could expect anything but they have been gone for almost 30 years. My XYL of 51 years is afraid to enter the shack, even to clean, for fear she will be infected and waste more time in there since she knows how addicted I am to being there. I tell her my mistress lives in there….. then I duck and cover.

Dave K8WPE since 1960

David J. Wilcox’s iPad

On Jan 26, 2023, at 5:47 PM, Marc VK3OHM <vk3ohm@...> wrote:

Thank you Owen Duffy for an off list suggestion. Turns out the 50 ohm load had failed open circuit, so it was not calibrated. Replaced the load and now working perfectly. Who'd have thought one of those could fail?